Getting banned for account hacked?

My account was hacked a pretty long time ago. I changed my email and password, and support said that my overwatch account will be unbanned soon( idk why it was banned in the first place, but i didnt care, 'cause i wasnt playing for 2 years or smth). Now, i wanted to see what changed since then, but it looks like i was banned still. I wrote to support once more, but they said that my account was banned for using cheats and cant be unbanned. Excuse me, but wtf, i bought the game, my account SOMEHOW got hacked( got different passwords on every account i have btw, couldnt be my fault with that) and i got banned for that. THANK YOU BLIZZARD.

Response are automated answering machine :slight_smile: so you need to keep spaming the tickets until real person contact you, thats the only way.

I’d recommend re-opening the previous ticket or open another ticket, though do not spam Customer Support as they can ban you from your ticketing system and well you won’t have any way to contact them.