There is this Drives week and I wanted to achieve the second Tier to get the purple name. On Solo Queue on PC it is IMPOSSIBLE. I play Support and after a won match there is a series of 2-3 lost matches. I am getting teamed with people who don’t use the chat or are solo-picks and often play against well coordinated teams. Is this a solo queue for sure? This happened multiple times and after a few hours of playing I am at the starting point and I feel like I lost so much time.
Please, remove the penalty for lost matches in Drives or make them lower because with the current matchmaking system it is truly impossible to even reach the Tier checkpoints .
Especially when you get situations like the below:
I had one game where my team of solo queues were against a 3 stack and 2 randoms. The difference in team synergy/plays were very noticeable. Something is very iffy with the matchmaker. I’ve seen before they brought in the wide matchmaking where my tank was 7 divisions below the other tank, that too shouldn’t have happened.
It is a pity that there isn’t a specific Solo Queue.
It is a pity that players aren’t just placed into voice chat straight away similar to how other games work.