Most meta is boring if you play long enough, doesn’t really devalue the game though.
TF2 competitive was (is?) always the same, 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, a demo and a medic with kritz being to only unlockable that was allowed. That game’s still going on.
After the 6th month it can get stail. And then you see them buffing it and nerfing its main counter…
So far how metas rotated…
8 months dive (winston, dva, tracer & genji)
8 monts of mercy era.
1 month of 2 snipers meta.
6 months of brig/goats meta.
The moment dps start to be relevent they get nerfed… yet tanks and support can be easy, dominant and meta for 5+ months just because blizzard are scared to remove the bletant power creep.
Like doom got deleted, brug just got a power sift. Making goats better in the end yet again…
Overwatch has always been plagued by this hasn’t it. At least on pro level. You often see the same heroes being played.
Even on low levels there are “troll picks”, which is the opposite, the anti-meta.
Balance is just so bad in Overwatch, that’s it. Some heroes are way more useful than others.
And maybe it’s really impossible to bring decent balance, what separates one hero from the other is just 2 abilities and 1 or 2 primary fire attack.
Said that I agree with the thread author, I enjoy watching streamings and team competitive … but cmon each time is goat/goat/goat/goat and is someone try to play something different you already know that goat will win…
How could we solve it though? Eliminating a meta just creates another meta. So if one way doesn’t work, what about going the other way and adding more “meta”? I don’t want Blizzard to force metas but since meta is basically the best team synergy, they should look for ways to improve other synergies, shouldn’t they?
Atrophy, I know you already opposed that argument on the other thread but it might be interesting to see how other players viewpoint on this is.
I’m not against a meta, I’m against a BORING meta and to me GOAT is really boring to see.
I will like to see more changes, for example on league of legend they keep do a lot of patch (usually every 1-2 weeks) to nerf champions that are considered ‘‘op’’,and that usually make the meta change a lot.
So that, not saying the meta is ‘‘op’’ is just I keep look at the same competivive teams always with the same hero picks since months. Need some variety and some more nerf/buff to keep changing the team compositions
That argument will result in the discussion to run in circles because this is your subjective opinion. Every meta gets stale once you’ve seen it enough times and people have different preferred metas.
Difference between LoL and OW is the number of characters though. If one hero is unplayable in LoL, it’s not a big deal because there are countless other characters to choose from. Overwatch’s character roster is fairly small and each Hero has a distinct role to fulfill. They have to be careful when buffing or nerfing heroes because one mistake can break the whole game.
This is not possible with a meta. A meta is the by the playerbase assumed strategy to win a game. In the competitive scene, where winning is the main goal, you want to pull the best strategy. In order to add variety, you either need to establish multiple metas at once or eliminate metas as a whole, both almost impossible tasks.