GOATS makes watching / playing Overwatch monotonous and boring

I see the same comp everywhere:

  • On Contenders
  • On Streams
  • In my games. (I will admit that I watch more than I play right now)

There are 29 heroes in this game but mainly only see 6 heroes.

As a big overwatch / twitch streamer fan my interest in this game is waning. I know that GOATS requires a lot of coordination on brig stuns / zarya shields / ult management at a high level but because it doesn’t feel mechanically intensive (i.e. No sniping, dragonblades, pharah vs. pharah direct hits in the air, tracer as a hero in general) it is less fun to watch.

The development team spent countless hours making these heroes and I love the design of every single hero (yes, including Brig!). It is really sad to see a meta focused around only a fraction of what Overwatch has to offer on the contenders / GM games I see on twitch. I know the development team has been doing a lot of balance changes lately so I know that this is being worked on.

Even pro players are getting tired of it! NYXL and Valiant did a homecoming friendly and Kariv requested ‘pls no GOATS’ in match chat during the game.

Bring back hero diversity! Please! Before OWL Season 2! I can’t take it anymore!


Preach brother. I’ll leave you a like before the Goats users come to defend the most broken, boring, un-fun and easy comp after dive. Rine, Zarya, D.va(or flex tank), Lucio, Brigitte, Zen(or flex support).


I actually like GOATS! I just don’t want to see it in every single game, on every single map (including anti-deathball maps like Gibraltar 1st point).

It has a place in the game, like on Kings Row 2nd and 3rd point or. Just not EVERYWEHERE in the game.

Goats is the catenaccio of OW. Please understand that when it comes to sports (and making money) they primarily play to win.

To be honest I like goats.

As of now that team is to solid to beat without running goats vs them.
Most pro players don’t even want to face vs them since they are forced to mirror or pick Sombra & Doomfist. Thing is Doomfist is getting nerfs and Goats is getting more aoe healing next patch. As a team i fear that they will grow only stronger. I don’t like that every season a pro team will find a new way to remove DPS’s from a team and there for make that team extremely consistent by doing so. Goats on paper can outplay everything. Even Snipers or Pharah/Mercy are a joke vs 4-5 melee hero since they stack up to well. Just tilting at this poth TBH, Was fun running it last season. But this can’t continue just like Dive and 2 snipers meta was not ok, goats isn’t ok as well.
This teams just limit the heroes that can be picked and by a lot.

I mean it’s always going to be like that. There will always be a team composition that is more likely to win than others.


If you dont complain about something you people arent happy. Last year it was dive and mercy. Now its goats and brig.
Also…about 100 games played this season…not a single goads…granted im only gold

Not that surprising. Tanks/supports ultimates are incredibly strong and the only way to stop them is by using tanks/supports yourself. Furthermore DPS cant keep up with the incredible amount of healing and of course if some DPS gets slightly above the rest they get cut down by the collective whining.

You reap what you sow.

This isn’t a problem with GOATS but with metas in general, is it?

All metas make the game repetitive. Blizzard has to prevent this because it is breaking the core mechanic, hero switching.

However, they have to do it without making the game a glorified rock-paper-scissors game.

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create all the threads you can to say developers that we need new healers and new tanks URGENT. stop with new dps

Thing about the way blizzard balances stuff is by letting it stay broken and see if the people will break and find a way around it. In all there games obvious changes are ignored by month so the players end up giving up on “countering” the meta and start going with it.

I can respect that they want more stats and such but it gets repetitive when one team is by far better then the rest and atm you can barely out-skill your way out of it by picking Sombra & Doomfist or playing goats better then the other team.

goats is boring to watch but not to play, because you are playing in a team comp where nothing dies and if the enemy team doesn’t mirror you they lose, easy wins.
i hate goats.

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I mean that’s the main problem when you have “moba” elements in a game without a ban phase. Like that’s the way moba games get away with having “broken heroes” in the game. And jeff said this at season one “We want all heroes to be broken and op” and then this:

And i can respect that but a ban phase will force us to shift the meta without crushing heroes with nerfs. Like if i can just ban lucio goats won’t be a thing, people will have to know how to play more then 1 hero as well. And they do have ban’s in some Overwatch tournament level games.

3/4 from the new introduced heroes were tanks and healers; Moira, Brigitte, Hammond as tank/support and Ashe.

I mean they stated that they will do that. So i’m sure they are adding 2 healers 2 tanks and then 1 dps until it ='s out. Thing about support and tanks is that they sift the meta way to easy and make is stail until they get hit with 10 nerfs.

It’s a bad cycle for Blizzard. Metas only cater to some players and like you say it just ends up being a rock paper scissors scenario. The latest heroes are good at multiple jobs compared to a lot of the originals so the game has changed with them. There are too little in the roster for hero bans yet and too many for true balance.

its fun to watch imo but if its everywhere it gets boring

Mass Ressurect would help get rid of goats along with mercy being somewhat meta again.

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You will get rid of goats when tanks will start to be tanks adn not dps with 600 hp

Well apparently using the meta is UNNACEPTABLE