Gotta love open queue comp

Ended 22-4
Teammates went: 18-15, 23-14, 22-10, 10-11
3 of them played as DPS the whole time (the other played Lifeweaver)
Enemy team lost the 1st round then just swapped to a bunch of tanks after and swept
Lost 33% rating after (I only played 1 game before which I lost)

Open queue is more fun. Even if it is worse than role queue.

Every game is either a clown fiesta from start to finish, or becomes one as the game progresses.

But yeah, tanks win. If you play aggressively and coordinate… 4 tanks and a Moira can win quite easily.

It’s fun as long as teammates are willing to switch and you don’t get the absolute worst players you’ve ever seen (that the mode is full of for some reason) on your team
The counter swapping issue is worse in the mode since you need most of/your whole team to swap to deal with something. And just swapping to certain heroes can you give a MAJOR advantage

Even with out that (although it’s nice if they do)

I had a lobby last night, teams were plat 5 to champion 3 and the match was just hilarious chaos.

Idk fighting a 4 or 3v5s isn’t really that fun for me. I don’t have a stick up my y’know about swapping; I 1 trick in role q. But playing some heroes into certain comps in open q can generate negative value, as in all they can do is feed. But swapping to a tank or healer, or even just a better suited dps, can instantly generate good value

If you’re facing enemies who’re willing to switch but you’ve got sojourn and Ashe 1 tricks on yours, then the game’s already decided before you walk out of spawn

I pretty much 1 trick in open queue.

Ball in open queue is fun (although he’s easily the weakest tank, and needs a little more damage).

That is the same in all modes, at all ranks. Not something I am going to worry about.

Play what you enjoy, try to win and what will be will be. We aren’t paid to play this game, there isn’t much point sweating over it much more than that.

Fair point
Still think the swapping issue is worse in open q tho
Teams feel like scissors, and if you’re on paper, then enjoy your L
Whereas in role q it very rarely feels like a team is a full on counter to yours. Might feel like they have an advantage, sure. But not to the point where the game feels predetermined

I personally think it is worse in Role Queue. Especially if you are a tank.

I roll out on Ball… if I win the first fight, out comes the Hog or Orissa, the Sombra, Mei. And I might as well just be afk in spawn.