Graphics quality has become more pixelated?


4070 Super Ti
i7 14700KF
64 RAM

The last few times I booted up OW2 (possibly since season 15, not exactly sure) I’ve noticed the quality has dropped. I don’t know if I am imagining things, but I feel like the characters have become more pixelated around the edges? I have tried:

  • cycling through different graphic settings from highest to lowest
  • switching between Direct11 and Direct12
  • letting Razer Cortex optimize the game settings

I don’t know if it’s always been like this and I am only just realizing it now or if it did look cleaner before?

That is most likely a side effect of some graphics setting having changed because of an update. As a result, the game uses another variant of the graphics pipeline that is better at rendering illumination and effects, but messes up anti-aliasing quality. I noticed this a long time ago and found a combination of settings that result in much better anti-aliasing. The best way to test this is to open the heroes menu of a character, like Brig. If the line between the upper and lower lip or the edges of the eyebrows appears completely pixelated then it is the effect, I am talking about.
Not using upsampling, using a render scale of 100% and setting lighting quality to high instead of ultra seems to have a big effect. These settings in Settings_v0.ini work for me:

AADetail = "3"
CpuForceSyncEnabled = "1"
DynamicRenderScale = "0"
EffectsQuality = "3"
FrameRateCap = "160"
FullScreenRefresh = "60"
FullscreenWindow = "0"
FullscreenWindowEnabled = "0"
GFXPresetLevel = "4"
LastTDR = "1667331357"
LightQuality = "2"
LimitToRefresh = "0"
ModelQuality = "4"
ShowFPSCounter = "1"
ShowGPUTemp = "1"
ShowIND = "1"
ShowRTT = "1"
ShowSystemClock = "1"
SoundQuality = "4"
SSAOEnabled = "0"
UseCustomFrameRates = "1"
UseGPUScale = "0"
WindowedFullscreen = "1"
WindowedHeight = "1162"
WindowedPosX = "0"
WindowedPosY = "0"
WindowedRefresh = "60"
WindowedWidth = "1920"
WindowMode = "1"
1 Like

Thank you for this!

One thing I have noticed since posting this is that the option for Super Resolution and DLSS is gone. I definitely would’ve had this enabled before.

I’ve now been able to use the NVIDIA app to override the settings and force DLSS 4, though it still doesn’t show up in the OW settings itself.

It still doesn’t look great, now the image is nearly too sharp and lost it’s smoothness on the edges.

I would post pics as comparison, but the forum won’t let me yet.

When my GPU last updated drivers, it changed all the OW settings and it looked horrific.

Took me ages to get it sorted. (no wonder people get banned for “cheating” with GPU issues if they can change your settings like that…)