Guys I'm having a really bad time with this game

That sounds like a very sensible idea. Baby steps and all that.

I see losses as the cumulative effect of multiple people (myself included) making many small mistakes, rather than ‘this ONE person on this team made us ALL lose!’

You’re right, I do see an awful lot of negativity from people in games (not towards me or from me, just in general) and it’s hard to not let it rub off on you (/hidechat is my friend when people kick off). But having a go at people over stuff they do in game just seems… counterproductive :confused: . The ‘best’ result anyone is going to get is a tilted team member. I find its best to just focus on what I’m doing.

I am glad they added the ability to turn individual chats off. Makes playing so much more peaceful.

I am kind of with Renegade on this though.

Ultimately the results are irrelevant. If you are not having fun, winning won’t change that.

well that’s the thing about negativity in team games.
some play around those goals, usually either trying to tilt the enemy team or just having fun seeing somebody tilt no matter who they are or what team they are on.

after all online games are social games and that’s one part of the draw of it, to be in a social environment and most of it is just to exist in it, but some use it to vent or to experiment doing things or acting in a way they would never do in real life socially.

there’s really not many people socially in online games looking to solve conflicts or disperse animosity because that’s probably what they are running away from in their real life.

as for in-game results and the cumulative effect, it’s all pretty much you can win on the luck of the draw while contributing very little or lose even though you contributed a lot to the success of your team, so it feels unrewarding treating this game and many other team games in a competitive measure mostly if you do play solo because of this effect of random teammates.

and even if you did play with a team, it’s still incalculable to know what will be the winning strategy because there’s too many variables at play, what often tends to happen is the domino effect or a snowball or momentum shift that either goes against you or with you that can make or break your matches in terms of winning them, so really it all comes down to 1 decision that 1 player makes that have huge ramifications to either win you the game or lose it due to how team games work.

which means using an ability wrong or missing the ability just 1 time even on something like [insert character with low cooldown abilities] can lose you games even on a low rank game, which means you have very little agency and extremely a lot of agency both at the same time.
it’s commonly refered to as “popping off” when the opposite happens when good things just somehow starts clicking and it’s a very common phenomenon especially in overwatch due to how frequent you get these ultra super powerful abilities to play with and i’m not even talking about ultimates.

so trying to gleam too much into improving and reasons why you won or lost is almost nonsensical especially in any game below grand master.

and that’s why most pros in overwatch tell you to look only at your own gameplay and what you could have done and it’s not really about improving as in getting good or do good things, it’s more so to try avoiding doing mistakes.

the less mistakes you do the better you become, but that has really no bearing on the games you play because you can make very little mistakes and still lose but on average it will start to carry you upwards, it will just take a lot of games to average out that explosive and inconsistent win/loss ratio that is overwatch and that’s why i recommend not looking too much into the big picture and focus on the small things that can make you smile no matter what else happens in the game.

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that’s why i left because the chat is basically the point of why you would play an online game to begin with, to be social with others in some way, it’s just that it’s mostly negative and that’s why i left ultimately because there’s no point in playing an online game if all you’re stuck with is negative people.

otherwise you might aswell play with bots.

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If I want comms I play with people I know. But they know to keep it simple and to the point.

If you listen to comms in solo que… even well intentioned calls are usually wrong/pointless/irrelevant.

And playing in gold/plat solo… you are better off just focusing on doing your job and sticking with the team.

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it’s not even about being efficient, it’s just that communication is happening with another human being, the human aspect, social interaction in itself.
that’s actually really important.

and i think a lot of it gets lost if you remove the verbal or text form of it.

And you can remove the comms (as most below master is bad), if you just play synergies that work and do the basics.

Learn what synergises, learn the basics. Go from there.

If your supports play Mercy Lucio… laugh at them. For example.

nothing wrong with mercy lucio though? extremely mobile supports just play around the fact that you have very mobile supports, maybe split the entire team because that’s the advantage you’re afforded with running 2 mobile supports.

and removing comms you’ve basically admitted to not wanting to be social in a very social game, might be correct since most people tend to be hostile to a fault in overwatch, but still.
might aswell be bots and that’s very boring to play with, but meh your choice.

and synergies and basics, it really depends what you define as that.
just saying something is bad because you’ve never seen it in a high ranking game doesn’t mean it’s a bad synergy.
and basics depends on the scenario, people don’t start cover shooting until higher ranks anyways but that is still a basic thing to learn.

people who don’t cover shoot are they in the wrong for not cover shooting? not necessarily because they aren’t getting punished for it.

Mercy Lucio is one of the worst ideas you can pull.

An exceptionally silly idea.

Lucios main bit of kit is his speed. This is why in rush comps (the only time you really should play him). It is always a Moira or Bap with him.

won’t you feel silly when lucio mercy becomes meta one day just because you have a preconceived thought that they won’t work together that well, but there might be a strategy that works with only those 2 in a very hard meta.

just saying, because you haven’t seen it work well doesn’t mean it can’t work well.

It won’t. Because there is no “off healer” so teams will avoid it. They will play Zen Mercy, if anything.

for all intents and purposes anything can work in ranked because it’s not reasonable to think that you have to follow every principle a pro player follows because they have to think differently about the game because they play the game differently to everybody else.

what applies to pros don’t allways apply to everybody else, in fact most things that applies to pros don’t apply to anybody else.

i think people are too fast to judge on things that they have no business judging the validity of.

i can’t even count the amount of times i’ve seen jayne see something that should not work but it works way too well for him to ignore and become awestruck at it.

I agree. But as said, doesn’t mean it is the right thing.

People will improve and the game as a whole will improve if people played synergies (not necessarily meta), instead of just blindly playing Mercy and Hog for example.

depends on the goal of what you wish to accomplish, weekend warriors will never be profesionals and for them playing what they want is completely fine because they don’t have those aspirations.

the only reason why the game is so stiff is because of meta slaves tbh, it’s odd to play around that since the game is insanely open to experimentation because it’s so extremely explosive that you can’t predict anything with more than 60% certainty of an outcome.

Who plays a game, any game (solo, MMO, RPG whatever) and actively decides “you know what, I am not even going to bother learn who to play this”.

Just don’t play then. Save your money lol.

not every game is like overwatch, overwatch is the most explosive wild game there is out right now on the market that is “competitive”

and just because you don’t have aspirations of becoming a pro doesn’t mean you won’t learn or want to become familiarized enough to hang with the rest.

let’s take starcraft 2 for example, very down to the microscopic levels of gameplay, just because you can’t studder step the marines as a terran player doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play the game does it?