Hacker in competive

I was playing a match on Gibraltar and in the enemy team there was a three stack. A Pharah, Bastion and a Reinhardt. The Pharah has used a hack to get out of the map. This way we coudn’t hit her, but she could hit us.
I have the on my stream and youtube.
_htps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWx5AEyUaqA&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel= Bowtiesandfezfezzinggood

I am correct to say this is hacking right?

That looks like that pharah player found an exploit, and is using it. It’s a bannable offense though.

Haven’t checked the video, but what you describe is abuse of the geometry, and it’s bannable. It’s not hacking, but just as bad.

Did you send that link in your report?

thats an exploit not a hack… its just as bad seeing as its being used to give them an unfair advantage.


Yes Blizzard needs to fix this exploit. Can’t they just make it so that you can’t fire from the other side of the wall ? If someone were to go into the wall and fire, it just hits the inner side of the wall :smiley: , and blows up in there face :stuck_out_tongue:

That would require A LOT of resources, funny enough. Polygons that are facing away from you will not be tested for collision or visibility. Saves a boatload of CPU time :slight_smile:

So Blizzard has to make the hard fix… Find the exact spot for the exploit and seal it up with some super glue :smiley:

Yup, exactly. They could do this quite easily by implementing a flood-fill to find the leaks, but I think they don’t consider it worth the effort since it happens so rarely these days. Especially since most new maps are so simple, geometry-wise, compared to Gibraltar and King’s.

The flood fill, the technique they use to check for leaks in physical oil pipes :smiley:

Not really a hack. But I would report him for hacking and game play sabotage with a explanation. Not much more you can do.

Yeah that’s actually were the term comes from. You fill a bounded area (used to be bounded by pixels) by starting at a point within it, and filling that point and any adjacent one. Then you keep doing that until you reach a boundary point. If there is no hole, the fill terminates, otherwise you find the leak.

That looks like that pharah player found an exploit, and is using it. It’s a bannable offense though.