Hardstuck platinum but deserve to be higher

Been hardstuck platinum several seasons now but I should be higher given that I consistently perform well and frequently outperform my peers…

Got some replay codes here…

The run of defeats there suggests otherwise.

I wonder if I watch these and have geniune advice if you’d actually sensibly engage with me… Considering I am also an open queue playing tank main. That has no issue moving from Plat to masters.

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make a test, pick new account, your best hero. play it only in QP
then do placements. do calibration and you might finish in diamond 4 3 or 2

If u are not GM player, ranked games are still QP games but with pixels and with less leavers than QP

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He’s already posted about hitting master (allegedly) on another account.

It’s open queue, plat… So lots of gold, plat role queue players. I would imagine he’s trying to play like he’s in masters, when that doesn’t really work in plat.

Sorry mate … we all have bad luck streaks …
But thinking you deserve better just because you hit a certain rank once is not how OW works …


Yeah I did

Consistently diamond or above on my other accounts and got to master this same season on the same hero on my new account…

How does it work then…

Is it all just good/bad luck?


Yes. Yes it is.

You have to play slightly different in Plat to Diamond and masters.