Highlights/Recently Captured, keep coming back after being deleted

As the title says, Highlights/Recently Captured after being deleted keep coming back after relogging.
I have seen someone in r/Overwatch stating the same issue and we both started having this issue yesterday.
Anyone else having the same problem?
Any idea how to fix this as eventually it just stops being able to save captures because it’s full, plus it’s annoying having to delete them all over again each time you relog.

Thank you.

phps write protection? Win10? OneDrive?

Hi Marjin,
Thank you for your reply but unfortunately that is not the case as this should be a In-Game issue, I do apologise as I should have been more specific as I am not referring to my saved files on the disk but the actual Highlights In-Game that keep coming back which is odd in itself.

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if the highlight-folder (on your disk) is write-protected you cant delete InGame too
highlights are saved local
so if file still exists local the game will find it at every new start again & renew the list

sry. my english is very bad but phps you understand the point

I understand what you mean, but there is no write protection on that folder and it never had before this started happening.
I have checked the ransomware protection, the security permissions, everything I could think of and every time I get back into the game I have all the saved highlights and captures showing up again in the game browser. :expressionless:
Thank you for your help though.

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