Horrendous matchmaking

Sure but knowing how much better that tank was than mine doesnt really help me next game when Im dps, the main point is that the MMR system or matchmaker system, are just really bad.

If the matchmaker is working correctly, then the system that decides MMR isnt.

Because there is no way some of these tanks should be playing each other, the same for dps and supports to, but on tank it is glaringly obvious because of how much stronger they are as a class and their influence compared to the other classes.

Neither. There’s very little the MMR system can do if someone just throws games to stay low. Or if they just buy a low account .

It’s up to player reports and such systems to try catch them in the act.

But once they are low, and just playing the game. Very little it can do till they start winning games

And sure, but I am not arguing stats here, I am saying that one tank is peeling with precognition and the other tank doesnt look backwards once.

Its just crazy differences, and no way they should have the same MMR.

Another example:

I had a support the other day, that didnt help me once with the sombra trying to kill THEM, I was peeling on dps to help THEM and they would run off and let me 1v1 the sombra every single time and not give me any support. If I happened to lose that fight then Sombra had free rein on the backline.

They are not on the same level as other tanks/supports I get in exactly the same rank.

For some, they play aggressively, and peeling isn’t the biggest consideration. Or they play a tank normal where peel isn’t really on the job sheet. So when the patch changes and they have to swap, they might get caught short.

I can get to masters playing Ball. But if doom becomes so hard meta I have to play him… I’m going to look like a total donkey in even a plat lobby. Doesn’t mean my MMR is wrong. And in that situation my MMR would quickly drop as I lose games playing doom .

What tank is not supposed to peel for their team? , its only really ball that doesnt in practise and still probably should.

The tank is literally there to protect the team and create space.

I wouldn’t be expecting a rein to peel much. Nor an Orissa. Circumstances permitting obviously.

You can protect the team, by taking space. If you take space, win the flight but your Zen dies because of “no peel”. Plan worked

If I play Ball, and go deep and get them to focus me. I am protecting my team, by taking the fire. Then I just need to get picks while I’m there.

Why would they not ? The best reins I have seen always charge pin the flankers

You are glazing over obvious skill differences but that is expected.

Lets say you were playing Ana and a Sombra tried to gank you, and one of your dps blinks into the backline to help you.

Do you
A) Run away, hope and pray the dps kills the Sombra without any help from you.
B) Shoot your dps or the sombra, even once

Because I know most of the Anas I play with would pick B or kill the sombra themselves, but then in the same rank is the Ana that picks A.

Easy. B.

If it happens a second time I swap off Ana.

Job 1, protect yourself. You’re useless in spawn. I then play closer to my team so that I’m not as easy a target to pick.

Exactly, so why do I play with anas that pick A in the same rank as all the others that pick B, thats not a bad game no matter how its spun.

Thats not an indicator or skill. That’s either a poor in match decision or stubborness to make it work (maybe they don’t play any other supports)

Running away and hoping the DPS makes be save isn’t the wrong choice either. I just play Ana more aggressively so I’ll try win the duel first.

Not one decision, It happened soo many times I eventually told the Ana if they ignore the Sombra and run off one more time I am going to let them kill them. I spent the whole game protecting the Ana who wouldnt even help me do it.

Blizzard algorithm to keep you playing as much as possible.

ALso game infested with cheaters.

p.s. nothing will change, matchmaking and cheaters are here to stay, only you can change your mindset about such unfair blizzard tactics.

of course it is, why would you run away and not win an easy 2v1 ? instead of risking the sombra winning the 1v1 and then coming for you again.

Sometimes. It might be better (depending who your other support is) to just leave her ana in a 1v1.

You’ve then got a potential seven 4v4 where they are lacking damage, and the power of he hack. Quickly get a couple of picks and boom. Your ana is doing an unexpectedly good job keeping the Sombra busy.

My big question if this is problematic… Where is the other support…

Job 1, don’t die.
Job 2, make sure your other support doesn’t, especially if an Ana.

It’s why you used to see a lot of Ana Brig. And brig would just body guard the Ana. Then your monkey would farm damage to build his ult, and nano for the Ana fast.

It’s why OW has so much potential. There’s so much nuisance and game sense required. You’ve never truly learnt the game.

you raise a good point, because the other support was completely useless aswell and didnt help.

I have not seen supports that unaware, but they are in the same rank as the anas that pick B

I’d quite like to watch this game tbf.

Id love to show you, but It was days ago so probably not in the list.

What pissed me off the most is I wanted to be in their backline, and spent the whole game in my own protecting an Ana that picks A the whole game.

They could have shot the sombra once, sombra dead, me back to my off angle, its literal basics.

The list is longer than 10 games now.

Not sure when they changed it, probably months ago now. But something I noticed the other day.

I will check when I get on pc, I probably had a bad game aswell, but like I said thats not what annoys me, people playing badly is expected, not doing basic things like… helping somebody who is only in a fight because they are trying to protect you is where I say, ok they should not be here

If the ana tried to help and missed every single shot, I would not call the ana trash or say they dont deserve the rank, its the fact that they didnt even shoot or even react to the sombra hacking them.

Meh. I wouldn’t be in it to review you. I’m just curious about the support. Easier to judge when you actually watch things.

Better than just spit balling theories.