i had quit overwatch in S4 and came back on the half of the last season to play some comp, i was first put into P5, which is already really low given the Diamond rating i was given last time i played.
i solo queue, i’ve never had enormous problems with matchmaking up until now and obviously at the beginning of the game, but seriously, what game is this?
I lose 10 games in a row, just to win 8, then lose 7, then win 9, then lose 12… etc etc, is this actually any fun for anyone?
obviously, since this game works on a only win streak or only lose streak basis, i’ve deranked to Gold 3, now im low Gold 1, where people, surprisingly enough, do not understand that its a team game, and that stats aren’t the only thing that matter.
Blizzard, for the love of God, put me back in my rank please… im tired of top fragging literally 9/10 games and lose because of a horrible tank.
Also, i’ve noticed this thing that happened twice already, we start capping point and someone on the other team leaves, and the match gets cancelled, both these matches were followed by ludicrous rolls from the enemy team.
i’ve never thought i’d come to say that even Counter Strike, in its deplorable state, intoxicated with spinbotters, is in a monumentous better state than overwatch.
They’ve reset ranks since you last played, that is why.
You’re matched on MMR anyways, not rank.
Roku for the love of God read the rest of the post before commenting BS, i know they dont fully match on rank, but if i was good back then, and im still topfragging, being the best in my team 9/10 times, it still means my “MMR” is low, compared to what it should be
Stats have no impact on MMR. Or rank.
You were low diamond. There was a rank reset, everyone dropped. That’s why you’re now lower.
You can’t climb, because you’re still playing against the same people and not winning consistently enough.
Your MMR will not have changed in that reset, only with your matches played.
im not gonna humour you further because you clearly cannot read the post, or you work for blizz
Literally answered everything.
You’re blaming match making, when there is nothing there.
You’re not in the wrong rank. You’re just tilting yourself.
I hope this rigged system and greed backfires hard on Blizzard.
7 game win streak and right on que getting bots and leavers, “matchmaker doesnt know they will leave”
I honestly am not even sure they are real people, had 2 in a row that basically just waited 61 seconds and then left the game so it didnt get cancelled.
Greed maybe. Catches everyone in the end, there isn’t an infinite market for gaming. The well always drys up eventually.
As you’ve seen with the job cuts across the industry. Companies got greedy during COVID, over hired and then realised there was ceiling.
The whole “rigged” thing is just a laughable. Bad games happen, it’s not some crazy system doing something.
Do I think the system is rigged?
I know 100% it is because they told me it is
Do I think they ARE using bots to rig the system?
Not sure
Do I think they WOULD use bots ?
It isn’t rigged. That’s never been a thing.
But I agree, they aren’t using bots. But they could if they wanted to. But like cheaters, they’d stand out like a sore thumb. And people would just stop playing the game.
Cant stop, too addicted, must rank up
That’s a you problem then. One that can be solved by improving skill (or by uninstalling so you can’t play)
They also do stand out haha
People cheating do.
People having bad games do.
People throwing do.
I agree.
welcome to 5v5…. you get the bad tank so the game is over already, watch.
I know it’s arguing semantics… But semantics are important.
The tank that plays badly, or picks badly. Not “the bad tank”
Both tank players will be the same MMR. So no team is disadvantaged on paper.
Maybe, but there is a difference between trying to do your job, just playing badly/making poor decisions or getting unlucky and just blatantly having no idea what you are even supposed to be doing in the first place.
I dont agree there is any possible way some of the tanks matchups I have seen are the same MMR, and if they are, then that just shows a massive problem with the MMR system itself.
As an example;
one rein will peel and pin you trying to kill a support with a reaction speed that borderlines precognition, the other rein will not even react to a flanker or peel for a support once the whole game.
They are playing completely different games, in the same rank….
That is not a bad game, that a complete skill mismatch however you look at it.
Honestly. Most tanks have moments where they haven’t got a clue what to do. Especially below master.
It’s why you can force snowbally games, you push them quickly out of their comfort zone and watch them crumble.
They will be, but you throw form, mistakes, personal circumstances in with hard counter picks… And boom, one tank ends up looking a fool.
Sometimes it’s not even directly their fault. If the team comp doesn’t suit the map, or their pick, then it can also spiral quickly
That being said, I’ve had games where my stats look awful and I still won. One game I remember I went 1-7. Saw that my DPS were popping off and pushing aggressively. So as ball I just sat on the payload for most pushes.
Not peeling or reacting once to a flanker or a dive on the backline is not a bad game.
Literally just standing facing forward soaking damage with the aweness of a rocK.
And the enemy has a master smurf tank, sooo fair.
It is. It happens. We’ve all been there.
Nothing you can do about that if that’s the case. Learn from what they did better and move on.