How blizzard handles feedback

Got banned by toxic kids for playing symmetra.
Here is what is needed to be done

  1. Ban the guys who falsely reported me
  2. Restore my account with the endorsements
  3. Apologize to me.

This is the 3rd time this happens. me getting banned for playing sym. I dont sabotage in any way shape or form and u know it. I had a solid amount of reports from this past few days becouse people were throwing being toxic and hating on me for playing sym. Then they abuse the report system and who gets banned.

Ofcourse this system is flawed and i wish you would do smth about it. but in the meantime restore my account.

Hello Alex.

This action has been taken in accordance with our Code of Conduct, which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing Overwatch. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all our players. Our Terms of Use can be found at.

We now consider this matter closed and would not look to enter into further discussion on the subject.

English Game Master Team
Blizzard Europe


If it’s the third time then I’m hard pressed to believe that false reports were the issue.

Try using LFG if you have no intention to play anything other than Symmetra, then you wouldn’t attract reports.

you dont wanna know how many salty people are in OW. My winrate on sym is fine. Its just that the system alows abuse and toxic people know how to abuse it. The reporting system has no human interaction therefore its easy to abuse it.


But you know people don’t report for no reason unless there is some intention behind it. Whether it’s a genuine reason or maybe they just don’t like you, something is the trigger for a report.

Even if you winrate is fine (we can only take your word for it), it’s still a team based game. Again if the only thing you want to do is one trick and not switch at all, then you know what happens, it’s your third ban now afterall. Alternatively you’ll be safe if you use the Looking for Group option or by playing in a stack.

Also no one is going to unban your account, restore anything or apologize;
“We now consider this matter closed and would not look to enter into further discussion on the subject.”

i get your motivation. But its false people report people just for playing sym its always been that way. Further im here to discuss how blizzard handles conversation. they arent giving costumer support but just plain bullying sym mains. How hard can it be to read the reports and conclude with human interaction. Instead they just send automated messages to bully the sym further.

Every sym main i know has 2 or more accounts becouse of these reasons. The report system is flawed. And i dont like you here blaiming me without any evidence

You literary contradicted yourself right at the next sentence. If you really want to discuss it, which implies that the conversation is taken in a rational manner, why do you get emotionally fed up by claiming that the customer support is “bullying” you, making you feel attacked?

There is evidence and you provided it. For some reason, you got penalized 3 times already so there must be something wrong with your claim.

Those 3 penalties prove that “just playing Symmetra” isn’t the only thing you do. Are you communicating with your teammates? Do you explain yourself when you refuse to switch? Do you show cooperation or ignorance?

I saw multiple players who complained that they got banned for one tricking yet they aren’t communicating with their team at all. That lack of communication let the teammates assume what you were doing and, in a competitive match, doubt seems more reasonable than trust, they think those one-tricks were throwing.

So the question is: Are you communicating with your team the whole time?

Go and play sym for a week. Then come back and tell me im right. Yes i am always positive and comminicating with my team. I try to call shots i discuss tactics and what do i get in return.

O you sym one trick kys pls now etc…

Yes there is no evidence its the same as i explained to the gm. Being accused doesnt make you guilty. EinAnd im willing to suffer to bring sym the glory she deserves.

U say to me it must be true becouse “insert personal belief” and that frustrates me.

Why always the biased views to sym one tricks al the whilst any other one trick is tottaly accepted

Yes i get

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hey the game rewards u for one tricking , and u picked a low pick hero , so it rewards u more then normal. and i do mean SR

well cant say its ure fault tho its built like that mmr for the win .
i dont think they shood ban u 2 , they need to remove mmr so u get
screwed over naturaly

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blizzards support staff is run by bots, don’t expect much from them. fkin worst I’ve ever seen in my life.

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The same can be said to you:

You think that the GM’s are bullying sym mains. But hold on, you might say that this is true because you explained how they ignore you, a sym main. You are basically connect the dots and tell us your conclusion.

Same case for me. By connecting the dots, I told you my conclusion. There were two points which led to that conclusion which is the fact that you got penalized multiple times and many complainers never communicate with your team.

But hold on! My argument wasn’t a fact. It was a question.

I was asking you whether communicate. If that wasn’t the case (which seems it doesn’t), then my whole argument falls apart. So no, it wasn’t a “bias” towards sym one tricks. It was a strawman you attacked because you interpreted my argument against you as a personal attack.

There is no other argument against you which should your penalties justified because when you communicate with your team and explain to yourself why you refuse to switch, there shouldn’t be a problem at all. The main problems are the other players and their bias towards sym one tricks.

While you can’t change them, you can do something yourself to avoid those players. Kurando already mentioned it and it is the LFG tool. Instead of getting random teammates via matchmaking, just create a group where you can play Symmetra without problems. It’s not like you are a terrible Symmetra (based on OverBuff, you seem above average). You just need to find the right people to play with.

I have the exact same problem. Have been banned 4 times for playing Symmetra. 50% of my game time is a Symmetra and I play in Grand Masters.
I am never inactive or sabotaging games in any shape or form, yet I get account suspensions for it once every month.

When I ask the GM what evidence they received, showing me inactive or sabotaging the game, they have none and tell me to be nicer to the people telling me to kill myself or to swap off Symmetra, no matter how well I am doing with her.

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I don’t believe that 100 or so different players reported you for gameplay sabotage without you taking part in it.

Playing only one hero and ignoring your team is game play sabotage unless you are carrying on that set hero. This is coming from someone that’s been banned for one-tricking with 60+% win rate. If you wanna one-trick use LFG the report system works just fine.

The bans are nonsense anyway. Your account can be suspended permanently yet you can just make another. So, basically they’re saying we don’t want toxicity unless it mean losing money. Hypocrites

No one punishes with IP ban’s anymore since people might have other family members playing as well. The part that makes them more money is just a side benefit.

Imagn having a 12 yo brother who wants to hack and you get an IP ban as well.

As of now you take actions for your account not accounts.

Even on Wow its cheaper to buy account and use them as gold bots and then sell the gold for money before they get banned. You end up making more money. But they still don’t want to IP ban for botting.

I see your a mastet of debate. Doesnt still mean your implying. Why do you feel the need to put me in a bad spotlight?

He does it with everyone… he is blizzards golden white knight sjw… blindly defended them and ignoring the glaring problems with the game

And belittling everyone else’s negative experience’s by either suggesting they’re no good at the game… their gaming tech is crap… or that there is no such thing as toxicity in this community and that pepole couldn’t possibly report you for no reason out of pure spite… “shrugs”

I didnt. Actually, i explained that you’re innocent.

Many one tricks deserve the penalty because they don’t communicate with their team at all. You, however, do communicate with them so there should be nothing wrong with you one tricking.

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[quote=“Badafarusima-2824, post:17, topic:8798”]
that there is no such thing as toxicity in this community and that pepole couldn’t possibly report you for no reason out of pure spite
[/quote] ahem… 13 characters

Wasn’t that other thread about chat abuse and not gameplay sabotage?