How blizzard handles feedback

I have the exact same problem. Have been banned 4 times for playing Symmetra. 50% of my game time is a Symmetra and I play in Grand Masters.
I am never inactive or sabotaging games in any shape or form, yet I get account suspensions for it once every month.

When I ask the GM what evidence they received, showing me inactive or sabotaging the game, they have none and tell me to be nicer to the people telling me to kill myself or to swap off Symmetra, no matter how well I am doing with her.

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I don’t believe that 100 or so different players reported you for gameplay sabotage without you taking part in it.

Playing only one hero and ignoring your team is game play sabotage unless you are carrying on that set hero. This is coming from someone that’s been banned for one-tricking with 60+% win rate. If you wanna one-trick use LFG the report system works just fine.

The bans are nonsense anyway. Your account can be suspended permanently yet you can just make another. So, basically they’re saying we don’t want toxicity unless it mean losing money. Hypocrites

No one punishes with IP ban’s anymore since people might have other family members playing as well. The part that makes them more money is just a side benefit.

Imagn having a 12 yo brother who wants to hack and you get an IP ban as well.

As of now you take actions for your account not accounts.

Even on Wow its cheaper to buy account and use them as gold bots and then sell the gold for money before they get banned. You end up making more money. But they still don’t want to IP ban for botting.

I see your a mastet of debate. Doesnt still mean your implying. Why do you feel the need to put me in a bad spotlight?

He does it with everyone… he is blizzards golden white knight sjw… blindly defended them and ignoring the glaring problems with the game

And belittling everyone else’s negative experience’s by either suggesting they’re no good at the game… their gaming tech is crap… or that there is no such thing as toxicity in this community and that pepole couldn’t possibly report you for no reason out of pure spite… “shrugs”

I didnt. Actually, i explained that you’re innocent.

Many one tricks deserve the penalty because they don’t communicate with their team at all. You, however, do communicate with them so there should be nothing wrong with you one tricking.

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[quote=“Badafarusima-2824, post:17, topic:8798”]
that there is no such thing as toxicity in this community and that pepole couldn’t possibly report you for no reason out of pure spite
[/quote] ahem… 13 characters

Wasn’t that other thread about chat abuse and not gameplay sabotage?

Hundreds of people false report you under any reason just to get you banned regardless of what you do or don’t do

the problem is that my opinion on reports for chat abuse and for gameplay sabotage differs.

I have a clear opinion on reports of chat abuse but repots on gameplay sabotage depends on the situation.

One tricking in itself isn’t problematic. What causes problems, however, are other factors, specifically, communication. If you one trick and don’t communicate at all, the other players can imagine any reason why you refuse to switch, most commonly that you are throwing. If you get penalized, due to the automated report system, and you appeal for a ban lift, you can’t defend yourself because, based on the protocolls, you “ignored” your teammates.

If, however, you communicate with your team and they still report you for gameplay sabotage, then you should be able to defend yourself. If your appeal gets rejected, then I call that BS.

They apparently are working on solving the “one-trick problem” but since it would take a while (and we shouldn’t rely on them that much), we have to “solve” the problem ourselves.

One way to do that currently is to use the LFG. Instead of using the completely random MM, just choose yourself with who you want to play.

I got banned… BANNED!!! for CHAT ABUSE!!! that’s right the reason given for my BAN! was CHAT ABUSE!!!

When I DON’T as in I DO NOT USE any chat function in the game… I DON’T USE typed chat I DON’T USE voice comms I DON’T USE the communication wheel

What I do do… is play non meta hero’s. … so… because I DON’T USE COMMUNICATION how can I be banned for ABUSIVE CHAT which is the reason given by the on screen prompt and the GM’s

Unless I was false reported? False reported hundreds of times out of spite for the hero’s I play because they tried to get me banned… DUHHHHHHHH!!!

I think this is an issue over which players are divided. If you have one-tricks on your team and no one can counter for example a pharah effectively then you can easily lose the match.

I was thinking about a 1-trick game mode for QP which could solve both team composition problem and hero learning problem with per-hero MMR but one-tricking without hero switching raises serious issues (like the pharah counter I mentioned). The game wasn’t designed for one-tricking but having good control over a good selection of 2-3 heros from a class can cover a very wide range of situations in the game.

Do you have some more info or links related to this?

This was an earlier conversation i had.

I have been banned from the game for playing symmetra. the people i played with were super toxic and i didnt say anything even won the game for them. next thing im banned
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
1 month ago
1 month ago
Hi there Alex this is GM Voutyri,

I hope you are well today, other than the suspension of your Overwatch account

I understand you feel this was unfair, however the suspension was correctly applied as you were taking part in delibrate actions to sabotage game play

This is nothing to do with your choice of hero, it is purely based on you behaviour

We will not remove this penalty from you account and that is final

Take care
1 month ago
This isnt true. I can say becouse i havent done that recently. Id like to see the grounds on wich i was banned. So i cab disprove it. Further i want you to ban the people for falsely reporting me
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
1 month ago
1 month ago
Hi there Alex

Thanks for your ticket about a recent suspension that has now expired.

Having looked into your issue I am afraid that we cannot give out evidence.

I would recommend however that if you are player in competetive to be flexible and switch characters etc and I doubt that you would have any further problems.

Our decision in this matter stands and will not be overturned I am afraid
1 month ago
Ty for your response. However you dont have evidence and you know it. I rest my case here but i just wanted to let you know that i find it despicable that u can ban me just based on peoples reports. I disnt do anything wrong and i know it becouse i was there. If this happens again in the future id like to get a bit more help in solving this

Obviosly the help didnt came. Fyi u can get banned after 10ish reports in certain amount of time i think. Each time i got banned i had 2 terrible toxic matches in a row so id say its about that

I already answered to your statement. If you can prove that your got banned for abusive chat, even when you haven’t used any Form of communication at all, then you would have evidence that blizzard is acting against their own Code of Conduct.

Regarding the Source of the Information, I found that article where a Reddit-post by Jeff is mentioned.

As far as I understood, there is some sort of ambiguity regarding the one-trick issue. On one hand, players should feel free to play the hero they like. On the other hand, that “selfish” choice can be detrimental for your team in certain situations. The fact the game was designed to switch heroes during the match is something you already mentioned.

The author of the article played around with the Idea of “the best Genji in the world” and looked at different situations at that one trick.

One tricking also raises one question: Should you switch? If the one trick can play only one hero like a top 500 and the rest like diamond or platinum, should that player really switch? I think that question is similar to the smurf issue whether you should learn new heroes with an alt account or stick to the main account.

First, please delete the Name of the GM. It’s against the forum’s CoC.

Second, they can’t show that “evidence” due to the privacy policy. However, since they say that your suspension is due to your behavior, not your hero pick. How about we try to find out what might justify the penalty in Blizzard’s point of view.

Can you recall any uncooperative situation or conversation, something like, just telling no or saying nothing at all? The point of this is not to put you in a bad spotlight but rather to understand, how the reports for gameplay sabotage work.

We know (at least for chat abuse) that only one report per player counts and that reports decay over time. This might be the same case for Gameplay sabotage. However, the exact number to get a penalty (or warning) is unknown. I haven’t found a post about someone finding that out either.

Convenient that I’m not allowed to post emails or private massages between myself and blizzard staff then isn’t it? As that is against the rules as well… almost as if they know they are consistently breaking their own rules and don’t want their money pigs “AHEM” customers to find out about it…

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Some people can get away with one-tricking 90+% of the time because some heros are more universal than others. E.g.: soldier, mccree, dva, roadhog, mercy, moira are almost never bad picks. In contrast there are heros who are very situational and even if you find some extraordinarily good players one-tricking them, most who play that hero will be quite bad on average. For this reason picking that counts as “trolling”.

I play mccree 90% of the time (no one complains if you pick mccree unless they find out later that your aim is bad) but I know that there are some situations when other DPS heros are significantly better suited. For those rare occasions I have some backup solutions with other DPS heros. Picking a hero you play rarely is a suicide in higher ranks but knowing how to play only one hero (one-tricking) is the fault of the player in my opinion. Being able to play at least 1 hero from each class decently and mastering a good selection of 2-3 heros from the favourite class (including the main) can cover basically every situations you come across.

One-tricking is already taking away from the strategic aspect of the game. If you create a one-trick queue then who decides the composition of the two teams? Having only a few pre-selectable composition pairs would take away even more from that strategic nature. It wouldn’t necessarily be a bad game but it would be different. A game mode that is based on one-trick queue and per-hero MMR/SR/Rank could actually be a very good learning tool that could eliminate the leraning-on-new-accounts problem (although blizzard might not want to do this, selling accounts is good business :smile:).

They are toxic towards you, and you got mad you started insulting them with some light insults probably or hardcore insults depending on how angry you got, that you got angry is completly normal btw and that you are right now is also, just remember to not give into them next time don’t even go into there argument just don’t respond back.

If they say they report you they are intentionally limiting your gameplay for invalid reasons asuming you are not intentionally disrupting throwing or anything often the case, you know when you are playing to win so.

If they threaten you with anything even reports you can report that under abusive chat.

Never leave voice be alert to what kind of threats people make and report them, if they have no legit reason to report you and they say they will its gameplay sabotage anyway cos they are intentionally reporting you to limit your gameplay.

If they make threats to report you just report them for abusive chat make sure to include those details in report to.

And just become emotionless, toxic players hate it when you don’t respond they will have no legit reason to report you and they know that, the sky will literally fall for them if you do this right.

Had a game in wow yesterday when some one sayd another player was afk who was not afk, the player got mad responded back with the a word thats what you never should do.

If you are certain of not having made insults or anything got silenced you can appeal if they have no proof of you throwing insults or inappropriate stuff etc they cant keep your silence intact, often they will tell you why you got silenced otherwise, just stay polite.

Yeah you will be banned and they will show no evidence for it, just saying you accepted our terms, we dont need evidence to ban you. Than it is false reporting and you won’t have any right to defend yourself. In court they give you the right to defend yourself against accusations, not here. They need to show real evidence for crimes to justify the accusations, not here.


TOS mean jack **** as you aren’t getting banned for violating any of them, yet solely due to the mass of (false) whatever reports - nobody on blizzards part verifies them.