How do I Climb?

This is a genuine question. I started in gold and fell to bronze from a loss streak, and I know a lot of people will say that I don’t belong in gold if I can’t climb back to gold. I’m okay with this. I’m a support main. People also say to improve your individual skill. I’m improving my positioning at the moment too. I have been working on this as well, and I know that some of my losses have been from my mistakes, so I am striving to improve, as I know it’s not always my teammates’ faults. However, in a lot of games I’m in seem to have uncooperative teammates (and toxic ones in some). For example, I can tell my team to stop staggering and going in one by one, and they don’t listen to me. I have tried voice chat and chat. When I ask if it’s possible for someone to switch because I don’t think the team comp is working, no one replies. Some people will say to switch yourself, but that’s kind of hard if you’re the only support in game. It’s rather hard to win a game if your team doesn’t cooperate.

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i am certainly no expert, however, i feel like it is really difficult to climb as support since you rely so heavily on your team to outperform the enemy. Based on personal experiences i would recommend picking up dva or another tank like rein/zarya. Also, if you can get a buddy or someone on your team to play winston and you initiate team fights by both of you (you as dva) diving on people who are out of position or vulnerable while communicating this target in voice chat they should die pretty much instantly which gives you a huge advantage in the fight. for whatever reason the above strat seems to work up until high plat/ low diamond. however, if you want to stay on support i would recommend playing mercy with a pharah or any support with a good 2/2/2 comp from the group finder. the reality is it seems to be very difficult to climb solo unless you are a lot better than everyone in your rank or you get lucky. also every time you die question why you died and how you can avoid it next time. good luck.

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i mean most support players in bronze/silver play very bad and dont heal much so if you heal more than them you will climb because of stats also you will be healing more than the enemy team = wins

Win streaks is how you climb, down in low elo there’s no decay just try your best to get a streak going, if you win 2 games a day and play no more you’ll climb back to gold. I’m at least a mid plat healer with two accounts, this one being the highest. I fell to 1934 or something in season 9 and then jumped that account to plat last season, it’s sitting at 2614 right now. Anyway, at the low elo you can hard carry if you’re a really good Zen since you’re saying you’re a support main

Blizzard (as usual) is rather vague when it comes to actual details for things like this. So we can only use what they say and have to trust them on it. (or dont).

To climb you need to.

1. Win more games than you loose
Sounds easy right? Reality is different. The matchmaker will try its best to make sure that you end up in games where your chance to win/loose is about 50%. So you need to basically beat that system and make sure you are above that by a fair amount. This goes into the second next thing.

2. Gain more SR than you loose
Just winning more than loosing is sadly no guarantee to climb. You also need to gain more SR by winning than loosing SR by not winning games. Generally speaking you gain more SR when you play against a team of which the Matchmaker things that your chances are below 50% to win. You will also loose more SR if you loose against a team of which the MR thinks that you should beat.

This can lead to situations in which you win the majority of games, but you will not climb and as a matter of fact you can drop. I have no real solution for this (I wish I would), since you can not directly influence your matchmaking. I only made one observation recently.

I found some nice people with the LFG feature and I played with them. With them I have/had a winrate of about 65% but I experiences the issues mentioned. I played a bit Solo-Q and my SR gain/loss is more stable there. Meaning loosing and gaining SR is more balanced. So you might want to try Solo-Q or playing with different people.

In bronze you don’t need to be a diamond dps player, but these heroes give you in my eyes more options. E. G. Your team can’t kill the enemy support. Do it yourself! You have verry bad heals but dps seems okay ish, go heal. Maybe try to cover your weaknesses. Mine was phara as I only played tracer and my hitscan sucks. Played 1-2 months widow in qp and can now beat plat pharas (went silver bronze silver gold plat) and if I have a phara on the enemy team, hell I pick widow. I don’t care what my team says, they have a phara, so we have a sniper.

Best help I can recommend, check out some good YouTubers (not just t500 korean gods) ppl that can teach you slow not on a pro lvl.
Use lfg to play your best heroes.
(i always look for dive since everything except tracer isn’t on the lvl i’m playing) ofc i could pick mercy any time but only with a orotective team since my survival skills suck.

With lfg if you have good gamesense try to Koordinate. Punish mistakes

The biggest advice I could give you is to play Zenyatta. He’s tricky, but he dosen’t have to rely so much on his team getting all the kills. As Zen, your main focus is dealing damage rather than healing. Obviously you still need to heal, but you have more control of the game.

I suggest using the LFG system to find teammates who actually give a sh*t. And just keep practising. The majority of people have climbed their way to higher ranks, so it’s more than possible you can do the same.

Edit: Back in Season 6 I was Gold, Season 7 fell to Silver and Season 8 is when I picked up Zen. I’m not saying as soon as you pick him you’ll win every game. But he’s really good in most situations and definietly worth looking into.

you dont , the u get lucky and u go up a bit then it sends u back down,
everything is RIGED , you have a MMR rating thats hidden, it determines the amount of SR u gain or lose and the sistem tryes to put you on the rank it thinks u belong in, this rating also determins the win ratio of a match, so say ure mmr is 2 high…
u also get screwed ,for the match to be fair it gives u teammates with lower MMR rating ( not sr ) aka u lose the match . and if ure mmr is 2 low u lose more SR then u gain xD

so ure damned if u do and ure damned if u dont

Welcome to competitve Ranked Overwatch Matches enjoy :wink:

ure only solution is to HARDCARRY every game to the rank u want

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I’m in the exact same sitation. I’ve been all the way down to 785 S this seasn, and actually managed to climb up to just above 1100 thus far this season. I want to try and vlimb up to gold. If you’re insteresed, maybe we could try and team up some time?

When I climbed from gold to platinum I one tricked Pharah, this works well because dps can heavily impact a game and whilst only playing Pharah I was improving my technique as her. Also, I only played until I lost a game then I started again the next day because I felt as though I just went on a losing streak after one lose.

It tries to do that according to MMR or SR (not 100% sure but I think its mainly MMR based). So if your better than where you belong you will crush the 50-50 odds.

Here is where the MMR kicks in and wont let you stay below your rank. If you preform way better than people playing same char at the rank you are (below dia ofc) you will get more SR per win and lose less SR so even if you are unlucky and win less than 50% you can still climb, but then again if you perform way better than anyone else you will get over 50% win rate anyways in the long run, but the system just makes to progress faster. But then again if you dont belong to a rank where you are (aka. perform as well as other at the rank) it will push you down faster as well.

If you win majority of your games but your MMR is not high enough for you to give you enough SR per win vs per loss to climb that means you have been lucky and you are at your peak rank and unless you start improving you will fall down when your lucky streak ends.

Average SRs on teams and group sizes matters on your SR gains. Also what Ive learned is that the longer you que the more scuffed the MM gets, so if you 6 stack and get long ques that means more uneven matches in either direction meaning bad odds for one team so if you win or lose you might win or lose more according what the MM thinks of the odds. Thats why solo q is “more consistent”.

To the OP:

Your on low ranks so teams are not coordinated because they are low ranks. Even on higher ranks it doesent magically mean every match is fun to play, there is a lot people going 1v6 especially genjis thinking 1v6 blade is a good idea.

Anyways to the topic, how do you climb especially on support. Well you are low rank so you can abuse the SR boosts and just by improving your general play aka. padding stats can make you climb. But having better understanding of the game and trying to coordinate the teams will help also, even when people dont listen some will and that helps. Also if you have better understanding of the game you are able of spotting the carries in your team and when a situation comes that you have 2 guys who needs healing you always heal up the carry first and the save the another one if you still can or just the other guy die. Also as a healer your life is the most important. If someone goes balls deep and asks for heals / res and you know you wont survive that you just let the guy die and keep your self alive to heal the rest of the team and ask politely the guy who needed heals / res to stay with the team or if its a flanker to not go so deep before engaging etc. depending on situation.

Lets say you one trick mercy. People say its the “worst” char to climb because you cant carry. Thats so wrong. Keep your self alive to enable your team. Unless you have 5 throwers in your team and you keep your team alive they will eventually kill the enemies. I mean no offense but low healers especially mercies are just standing still healing one guy. They are easy targets because they dont keep moving. They arent efficient because they are not looking around who needs healing etc. and they dont fly around to make them a hard target or they dont know a path for escape because its too late to start looking for a target to GA when a reaper ults next to you. Awareness and game knowledge with comms is your greatest weapon. Even a dps with insane aim cant climb too high without game sense. And a dps that is “worse” with aim than another guy in the same rank can climb because he has better game sense etc. so he does better ults, has better position so he can take more shots etc. Lets say someone with insanely good aim with widow has 75% accuracy. But the position is terrible so she has only time for 4 shots so thats on average 3 hits per fight. Someone with 50% accuracy but good game sense with position and good hook shots for safety has time for 10 shots per fight, he will hit way more shots on average every fight even tho hes accuracy is way worse.

If you’re interested I’m a tracer player around mid gold-low plat if we can group up, I’m for it. I have multiple accounts and managed to get one into platin without too much effort, but it took 10 seasons as i Didn’t play much more than placements.
So i say I’m a consistent high gold, and inconsistent high plat player. With potential to reach dia once i’m more consistently doing my job.
I think the account I’m taking about is around 22** so if you’re in range, we might group up and play some ranked. (i’m kinda shy to vc since I don’t want to get called out for anything, but i would like to improve this)
If you’re interested drop me your b-tag since I don’t know the b-tag out of my head.

And zen tracer for example have amazing synergy, you call, we kill, and if you have issues, i’ll come back to help faster than anyone else could :wink: since tracers should not die in this elo whilst. Having a orb on them.

I’ve started playing comp in the last 2 seasons after getting more than 200 hours of experience in QP (learning the maps, learning how different heros attack me, etc…) and I was placed around 2000 SR. After this I’ve done some research too on the micro (mechanic) and macro (gamesense?) aspects of the game (youtube, articles, etc…) to improve myself. Bought a good mouse/mousepad and improved my aim with low sensitivity, etc…

In my experience climbing out from your rank is very difficult because this is a team game where you alone have relatively little impact on the game. In the solo Q you are very likely to be teamed up with people who aren’t good enough to improve their SR, they just play and want to win/climb without actually improving themselves. More playtime and higher level don’t equal improved SR!

In the solo Q your only chance to break out from your current SR is probably having very good control of a hero that has carry potential (genji, zarya). I’ve seen some youtube videos where genji was effortlessly jumping around the map spying over the enemy and regularly backstabbing it, disrupting the supply of newly respawned enemies. Zarya can build up high energy super easily in lower ranks because everyone shoots the bubble like an idiot. You can also save overextending team members with your bubbles. I’ve seen some extremely good hanzos/widows/anas/soldiers that seemed to have carry potentials in lower ranks but they are rare and probably diamond/master players and less effective against shielded teams. This is basically climbing by having significantly better skills (at least several hundreds SR more) than your current SR with a hero that can have high impact on the game for some reason at these lower ranks.

The other method is improving your macro and teaming up with people who think similarly, want to improve, and capable of teamwork. Good macro at lower ranks is a killer, I managed to build good teams a few times with LFG that resulted in win streaks (like 10 games in a row). Unfortunately finding the right people quite often requires several losses and playing at the right time of the day. And unfortunately after the win streak the chances of building up the same team again on the next day are next to nothing. This team based macro thing might work if you have close friends who are dedicated overwatch players and you can agree on hours to play and improve together.

For the above reasons I opted for learning a solo carry hero (genji) in the near future by also taking advantage of the LFG feature that allows me to do some basic filtering on my teammates. I bought another overwatch account (not for smurfing) in order to be able to upskill with genji by playing with equally unskilled players (and to experience the excitement of opening loot boxes again because my main account has about 70% of items for all heros and I almost always get only duplicates :-D). After reaching level 25 on my secondary account (minimum requirement for competitive) I completed the placement matches with LFG (by using not only genji but other heros too) and I was placed 2700 something SR (plat) and it seems to be stable. There the matchmaking system pairs me up with other plats so the macro is much better and some of the very silly mistakes of 2000SR games happen much more rarely. Better teamplay, better focus, and most players have a bit better mechanical skills too. Now I’m comparing the gaming experience on the two accounts and I find it to be quite an interesting challenge to improve my main 2000SR account.

Improving your positioning in a rank were positioning doesn’t matter is a waste of time. In certain ranks you have to work on certain things and in bronze positioning is not one of those things.

In bronze basic aim improvements are showing insane fast. Bronze enemies are the easiest to hit (in general) so if you click more heads, you sky-rocket into gold. Then you start to get ownew bc your positioning sucks. You don’t realize this and think you’re playing against pros but you simply stand in front of them not knowing this.

It’s what was the easiest thing for me. Ofc I knew which fights I kinda could try and engage. But a 1v3 or 2v4 is simply not poss anymore since I get hit by stuff I didn’t got hit in bronze.

Also if you know, like widow could be strong (bc of phara) and you are terrible, ask your team, every team has a more or less sniper lover and they would love to be asked to play them.

But the best recommendation for quick climbing would be play a lot of aiming heroes (if you really can’t aim try to learning as much as possible from no aimers (mercy, winston, moira, briggite (brigg not 24/7 as a phara easily destroys you)
With semi-good aim you simply outplay your opponents. (i choose tracer as you can kill the unprotected supports with ease and only need good aim at higher ranks where the supports are good protected and the enemy team will focus fire if they hear a tracer blink.
I choose her bc of self sustain. But moira is a great hero for low bronze, especially if everyone tries aiming heroes and just suck. You easily clean them Up. Just remember to not stand where they wanna shoot, so they don’t accidentally hit you :slight_smile: also these bronze coaching videos show basic infos for low elo players.

When you play a support and somebody dies you should always ask yourself:
Where should I’ve been to avoid this?
and if it was another player:
Would I’ve died if I was there?

The first one gives you a good idea as to where you should be positioned and to what things you should focus on. The second one reveals whether it was their own fault for being out of position or your team’s collective fault for being out of position. The more you keep thinking about this the more you should drift towards situations that you can save :slightly_smiling_face:

You cannot climb at all. All I see everywhere is that when people are staying so tilted they keeps playing competitive mode and refuses to play as team. They just keep picking up randomly and keeps playing solo.

The golden rule: before diamond spam a single character and abuse personal performance, after diamond switch a lot to keep your MMR low and get good teammates.

You can start by joining our discord. We have plenty of people willing to help and we have coaching too.

Here is the link:


Ask for Zax when you join.