How often do you encounter cheaters in EU?

In modes like QP, comp, event/arcade.

For me personally:

QP like 1/4 games
Comp - 1/3 games.
Mirrorwatch - 6-7/10 games, don’t play much arcade otherwise. Yesterday had 4 games in a row wih cheaters in mirrorwatch.

At late evenings and nights the game is pretty much unplayable, more games with cheaters than legit players.

I’ve encountered 4 in OW2.

And maybe 10 in ow1.

So not that often.

Not very often at all. If its obvious keep up the reports

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Contrary to what I expected, I haven’t met any since the game turned free to play. Smurfs on the other hand…

Probably not that many either?

since i came back, its about 3 out of 7 to 8 games

there is someone using something they shouldn’t be, either aimbot, triggerbot, auto reflect/shield, wallhack

all in varying degrees of “Noticeability” but most, its either very subtle or human naturalised, people don’t use rage hack anymore

most popular heros for these cheats are Genji, Widow, Ilary, Ana, soldier 76 and mcree, from what ive noticed so far

Always the genji ay lol

Every once in a while I encounter cheaters that are blatently obvious. But I think there are a lot of subtile cheaters as well. A soft-triggerbotcheat is very hard to notice… or so I’ve been told.

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If it’s that hard to notice you can’t tell, they probably aren’t.

Nearly every cheater will do it to play higher than their actual ability will allow. In ow, these players stand out like a sore thumb. Even if you can’t tell from the aim, the positioning, movement and awareness is all wrong.

The only way they blend in, is if they are cheating and playing in the same rank they would be normally… At that point, why you cheating lol

just ignore rodimus, its a blizzard employee or other paid instigator

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Maybe a few in all of of OW1 and 2. Definitely a rare occurrence.

Note: I rarely play something else than ranked

Neither. I just remember your past “issues” with Genji. Those were funny.

A cheater in every third match? This sound completely made up to be honest. I played OW thousands of hours over the last 7-8 years, and within that time I have seen cheaters maybe 10 times in total. But since you said it was yesterday in 4 matches, maybe you can share the replay code for those matches?

nice try Rodimus…

20 characters


Not tried anything. I just remembered your past troubled and they were funny.

It’s good to see you’ve calmed down since then.

I think i just encountered my first hacker today.
Seasonal brawl the attacking ana.
Screen flicking at 2:37 made me think something was up.

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ksa is cheat is xim is boost

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