How to link player's nickname in Bigmessage (Workshop)?

I want to make some kind of message that will tell everyone that specific player died (Like ‘Player (Nickname} Died!’). I understood how BigMessage works, but I don’t know how to link players in this message. Can you please help me to do that thing?

it’s pass a lot of time, but yes you can make it in easy way, just make big message and in custom string put {0} or {1} or {2} and in the subcategory with that number put the player that die.
I will write now some example of code.

rule(“Big Message When Someone Die”)
Player Died;

	Big Message(All Players(All Teams), Custom String("Player {0} Died!", Event Player));


it’s some simple example when player die it will show everyone message that “Player HIS_NAME Died!”
the code is correct but forum fix the " “” " in name of rule so need copy and change them manualy to normal “” and change “Все;” to “All;” if you have english version overwatch
or just use this code that will work untill half year from this moment.