How to win in competitive, broken matchmaking

That doesn’t seem to be the case. I think there is some daily variable in there. It’s definitely easier to climb doing just couple of matches daily.

I expierence the exact same thing. For every 2-3 wins I just know my next game will be a loss… this game will put you with less skilled people from the moment you are on a win streak.

I think there is more money in keeping everyone happy so they focus on setting up a system that makes you win/lose half the time no matter what.

My statts show that I heal about 20-30% more than anyone else at my ranking… I am far above avarage… somehow I cannot climb. currently on 2600 SR… I have been on 3300 most of the time… Even been on 4150 (dropped due to inactivity). It is all so random. I feel very powerless in how I climb in ranking.

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That’s right, but even the matchmaker can get screwed by smurfs. Today is just the best example in QP I played like 4-5 games in a row as a healer where our dps was under lvl 100 while they had that iron nickel gold plated whatfever level players in dps, guess who win, we with EZ.

Thats a big midfinger for the matchmaker that the level 2000 gets steamrolled by a lvl 8 widow.

If there would be an ultimate secret for not losing games in comp I surely would not share it here but for a while what I was doing to f the matchmaker was to start with a QP roll to warm up until the point I go into a loss streak (I never intentionally lose or throw and always do my very best) in QP and that is when I start with comp then let’s say 1 win, go back to QP again and play until I go into a lose streak, go back to comp again.

The way it works is exactly as @p said, if you go on a straight win streak, the matchmaker will f you up. It will create the most absurd impossible to win scenarios. It will either put you in with low bracket players or players who tilted because rage quitted. I don’t even think it matters if it was comp, qp or arcade some stats are just follow you in general and what’s sure is it even follows you through regions. Eg you having a bad day and loss streak on EU you think you will break it going on Asia or USA, nope, nope, nope it won’t.

The worst thing you can do is quit games in a row, if you do that you are in number 1 spot for backfill.

What works for me is in comp after 2 losses in a row put the game down, play something else or QP and yes it’s also about your mentality are you tilted or not but ultimately the matchmaker is doing this to you.