I cant join any game mode

I am trying to play Overwatch 2 on steam, the game launches fine, except i can’t join a game. After i click on any game mode in the game (polygon included) is just loading for a while and then i get a “Failed to connect to server” error in the bottom left corner. I have an Internet connection in general and in the game as well, for example it connects to server when i launch it and i can view the shop and such. I tried everything but i got nothing. I can play with my mobile hotspot but cant play on my home ethernet. Pls help!

Do you get the same issue if you launch direct from BattleNet??

i delete on battlenet and reinstall from steam but still had a problem. Its not about game client.

Reinstall on battlenet and try. At least then you can rule out if it’s a game or a steam issue.

its already was on battlenet,i did fix game but it didnt work then i install from the steam and i got same issue.

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I have the same issue. Tried literally everything up to deleting the game, still can’t join any game. Blizzard gotta fix this…

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i got no hope… its really weird and rare issue. i can play every game with my connection but overwatch??? weird

Would look like a server problem then. Has anyone checked to see if it’s mentioned on twitter or whatever yet?

i’m also getting the same error but it only started occurring after the shop reset while i was playing. hopefully the patch in a few hours can fix it :frowning:

Having the same problem. Launching game from Battle Net.

I get logged out only after selecting a game mode to queue in. If I don’t select one I’m not logged out.

Tried reinstalling, didn’t work.

Edit: Scratch that. Got the “lost connection to game server” whilst browsing the in-game shop whilst not queued for anything.