I don´t mind losing, but... (this is how you get people to open the thread)

This is the same on league of legends when it comes to climbing the ladder, you lose points and risk losing your ranks.

Why just not gain any points when your team loses a match?

Team games like this put me off cause I don’t want to be the one that is learning to play the game the right way. In casual you can win loads but that doesn´t mean you know what you’re doing. You are not with a group with the same rank as you so you are putting your noobie skills at risk for your teammates losing their points and de-ranking them. it´s kinda depressing.

So, why just not give points to the losing team? I´m at the point where I´m better of playing 1v1 just so that I can lose and not worry about other people losing because I’m learning to climb.

Because you are part of the team. And that is the risk of not performing well enough as a team.

If there was no jeopardy, why bother having a ranked system at all…

If you are worried about losing SR, just play quick play.

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That was a fast reply o.o do you work here lol

can I still get better ranks if I play casual? I can see my self being bronze forever.

Yes. You have a hidden MMR that is used for match making in both ranked and QP.

If you improve that, then you will play better people, climb quicker in ranked and so on.

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Ah thank you thank you :pray:

team games overall is fickle because of the nature that you can have an easier or harder time each match depending on your team no matter what rank you are in especially when there are synergies, specializations, metas etc.

but that works both ways so over the course of enough games it will recognize your skill level and the improvements you will make going forward.

i too struggle with team based games due to not wanting to be a reason why my team lost or that i have to try harder because my team isn’t pulling their weight.

however i will say this about team based games, they are amazing when you can field a whole team of only friends, at that point winning or losing is meaningless atleast it is to me, and the main focus becomes much more clear,
which is to have fun and try to win but no worries if you won’t because at the end of the day you had fun with friends.

anyways, i’ve ranted away on a tangent i suppose but i think the most important thing to take away is, don’t worry about it, don’t even think about climbing, climbing is something that naturally happens as you get better.

and with that mindset you can apply it to others as it’s probably the most healthy way of coming to terms with getting better at most things in life that generally works for competitive games.

the only way to win/learn is to fail over and over until you succeed, and that goes for everyone.

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Overwatch is the most rigged online multiplayer game on the market*. Don’t worry about your SR. Your stats are all that matter (and even those are unfairly affected by the rigs matchups Blizzard puts you in).

(overwatch rigged 50% - Google Search)

Rank doesn’t matter
SR doesn’t matter
The only thing that matters is are you having fun when you play the game

All else is irrelevant.

Also while it’s a good idea, to only rewards wins and not punish losses, the down side of such a system would be that eventually we would all just naturally climb to GM.

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I do agree to an extent but it’s not so fun when people purposely throw or leave in competitive matches. I used to think SR was important but now I realise it’s not that big of a deal. There are 5 other people in the match so you can’t do it all on your own, so it’s best to enjoy the experience instead of getting upset.