I don't care about your sexuality

Blizzard’s list of LGBTQ+ characters and people of color is painfully short
Non-standard sexual orientation severely over represented
As a gay guy, I’m happy they made Soldier:76 gay
Zarya is Lesbian?
LGBT pride icons!
Blizzards under-representation of straight characters show they pander to LGBTQ


Well you need to tell that to blizz first instead of people because they are the ones who started it :rofl:

I mean you’re not wrong, was reading Bastet and then this bit came and I was like “really Bliz” …

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Yeah forum was as usual until 2 days ago, whining about how something is op or “I QUIT” messages and this came up and bam… Maybe this was a distraction made on purpose hmmm…

Hello this is Jeff from the Overwatch team, we have tons of stuff to fix but this guy’s gay, here goes a skin. End of the dev update


Your jeff comment is probably correct, it’s a diversion to all the crap surrounding blizzard right now.

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Nah, to be fair the patch looks good, and the armor change is a HUGE one, affecting the whole roster balance. Also making reaper great again.
And since the playerbase wants lore and stuff, we get what “we want”…

The community is to blame for this reaction

I just wish that they stop’d wasting time on stuff that arena’t game balancing, new heroes, maps, game mods and additions like role que, bann phase etc… stuff that actually matter to the game.
Will be fun if they added a racist/homophobiac/sexist hero just to keep the balance even :D(joke).


How important is it that someone is LGBT? How important do you want it to be. How much should you allow it to define you? How much of an effect do you want it to have on the way society treats you? LGBTs should ask themselves these questions. And they should be very careful how they answer them.

Why not? there’s no law against being racist/homophobe/sexist … they also need representation and someone to identify with, don’t they?


Think they did that with Junkrat and Omnics but yeah they pulled the sneaky with that one.

That’s all I said about Blizzard.

The rest of the post is about how the community gets worked up about a minor sexuality thing, while there’s a big balance change, along with new lore story and a challenge that we didn’t have for a long time since Dva Nano Cola.

But I guess I am homophobic.
This is how things work now ?

Well mate, if this guy is homophobic, you’re a communist. There’s no other way around it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Uhm it’s just recently been realized about a character no one had a clue about s obviously there’s gonna be buzz, I say bask in it

Why is Soldier’s sexual preference that important. If they’d announced a current love interest, that would be one thing. All they’ve really done is say that he’s had a romantic relationship that didn’t end on the best terms. In other words: Soldier 76 is an old soldier who has lived an old soldier’s life. The only reason anybody seems to care is because that relationship was with another man. Nobody should be making a big deal of this. …unless they decide to make him a new character.


Overwatch is a terrible game rn, they can’t even balance brig and Moira properly cause they think they know how to play the game when they aren’t even playing at a gold level. They just threw this solider LGBT out there to make LGBT people see Overwatch as trying to support them when all they are doing is just making a spark of popularity again. I don’t give a damn about the sexuality of the heroes I’m more concerned about what you’re doing with brig just making her dps and Moira still op af

torbjorn already exists

Oh, so all people with children are homophobic, racist and sexist? Nice …

Just shows us how far-left has gone to far … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


yes im glad you agree to my apparently not so obvious joke

Too late, already used it against you … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯