I don't want to talk about it

I don’t want to talk about it

Comp is very strict if you leave games esrly. Your penalties will pile up and a season ban is the last warning before a longer one.

I think you can still play other modes if this is just a competitive ban.


You shouldn’t create duplicate threads on the forums about this though as it’s against the code of conduct.

Your only hope is to send support tickets directly to overwatch, but the odds are that they won’t get to yours before the end of the month anyway.
(Your icon at the top right of the forum, from there support and then account)

It’s a first come first serve system, and it feels like the support staff is overworked as is.

If you didn’t do anything you wouldn’t have been banned. So there is probably something you did you find normal that is against the code of conduct in some way. So instead of saying “no but I didn’t do anything!”, I didn’t do anything to get banned, only time I was was 5 years ago when my internet was horrible and I couldn’t play comp to the point the system banned me multiple seasons in a row. I knew the problem so I just stopped until I could have a better connection.

See you don’t do anything, but you did something big enough to trigger the system. If you fail to acknowledge it, then it’s a good thing you’re banned I’m sorry.