I got banned for cheats I HAVEN'T USED

Like? Yeah im the ONE WHO BOUGHT GAME for fullprice and got banned. FOR NOTHING??? All i want is just to GET UNBANNED FOR THINGS I HAVEN’T DONE!!! Let me be clear, i have never used cheats in my life, i understand that with hacks there will BE NO FUN in game which is supposed to be FUN. I like game by itself and i would like to play it again!

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The dev team is a joke. I feel bad for you. I don’t really know what else you can do except try to contact blizzard.

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I have the same experience as you. I didn’t use any plug-in programs, but my account was still banned. Because I complained to the support team many times, they now gave me a warning, not allowing me to complain again about the same issue, and even threatened to permanently close my entire Blizzard account. This is really rude. I did nothing wrong to suffer this loss and the support team did nothing and even threatened me.

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I’m so disappointed in Blizzard this is appalling and they really need to resolve this ASAP…


They will do nothing but ban our accounts at will and threaten to intimidate us. I don’t know what to say anymore. I would love to upload the threatening emails that the AI ​​responded to for everyone to see. This is really a joke.

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You mean Microsoft. Overwatch is now 100% Microsoft. “Blizzard” is just a label. Just like we call it “youtube” but it is Google.

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Yes but the problem started long before Microsoft was in charge the false ban situation occurred years before they took over…


And now, they don’t have a good system. they don’t actually read the chat. they don’t actually watch the replay, honestly, I’m not even sure they actually record the stuff. its entirely based on reports. you get reported 5 games in a row? Perma ban. youre done. pack your bags. Good luck ever talking to an appeal team.

I’ve been playing my account for 8 years, I haven’t done anything, and I’m still permanently banned. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong and deserves a permanent ban from Blizzard. Before that, I didn’t have any violations.

Blizzard does not answer to bans. There will always be bot answers if you are not a Streamer/big influencer then you just have to live with it. They won’t give proof/evidence for the reason you got banned nor will they acutal response. Im speaking about self-experience.

Did you accidentally activate a macro?
Using macros is concidered cheating, which is why i haven’t created any even if my mouse supporrs them.
Don’t want to accidentally activate them and get banned.

I don’t use any mouse drivers. Only one account get ban , other accounts all normal.