Today i got the usual blizzard ow email to tell me i was someway somehow suspended for a month. After already being suspended for 2 weeks, i tried my hardest to not be toxic, but ow players are insane, and i’ve been falsely accused by my teammates saying i was saying “racial slurs in vc” when i wasnt and they were just mad i was critizing their poor gameplay, and this happened 3 times. Im not about to eat a 1 month ban cause people are crazy and shouldn’t be allowed to even exist, i’ve looked everywhere and i dont even understand where i can open a ticket to appeal the ban, im one inch from bombing the entire world, can someone help me?
Clearly not hard enough…
Whilst tis may or may not be true. You are the one that responded to them. Just don’t do that. Report them instead and they’ll be the ones on here pretending to be innocent and claiming their suspensions were unfair.
I’ve got news for you… You very much are going to eat it.
Appeals are under support. It’ll be a fruitless endeavour though. They won’t over turn it as it’s quite clearly justified.
Love how you suppose i answered back to them, news flash, I didn’t lmao, I’m not dumb and i know that if i act like an entitled little bi, i’ll get banned, the fact is, i didnt lmao, i know they wont even look at my appeal but its unreal how i’ve barely even used the text chat these months and i somehow get banned for toxic behaviour
Would suggest you weren’t successful and were toxic.
You sure…
I am sure you will behave better if you return in 30 days.
3k posts and still not having basic reading understanding is crazy and speaks a lot about you, figures hahaha
Says the one suspended…
Says the rude, judgmental, prejudiced and condescending forums addict…
And here’s why you got banned…
Calling out people for their behaviour is called having eyes and a brain that works, im sad no one ever does to you, hope this helps xoxo
Calling people out for their behaviour, whether you are right or wrong, gets you suspended far quicker than them.
As you’ve found out.
If I play badly, people often chirp up about it. I just ignore them the first time. After that I report them. They get what they deserve,
If you get offended for being critized its a you problem honey
You get me wrong, I take no offence. I’d be the first to agree with them. I am hyper critical of my own play. It is why I managed to improve and climb.
I still report them, as that behaviour, unpunished, spirals out of control fast. As you are an example of. Don’t blame your team mates when you lose, even if they make mistakes. Not going to change what’s done. Just learn from all the mistakes and move forward.
While it can get out of control, if my teammate is going 1-9, i am going to suggest a swap, same if i were going 1-9 and someone told me to swap i’d do it without barking much, yes people can do it in a toxic way, but i cannot watch my moira going 6-8 with 5k dmg and 1k heals at round 2 in comp, im gonna ask if she could heal more, im going to suggest a swap, its a team game and people dont always make right decisions, reporting someone for something that still has to happen (the eventual spiraling of their behaviour) is not right at all, you can’t predict what’s gonna happen, i could report my whole team because i predict on a message they sent that they’re going to become racist when they’re 76, but that would be completly nuts imo
If you get annoyed and demand they swap… You’re on thin ice.
Try suggesting a brawl comp to the team to maximise the moiras value, rather than calling out the individual.
Or, say that you think we need X hero.
Might work better for you if you learn to make the suggestion, without shouting at the individual.
And if they don’t. Then drop it and crack on. Losing your rag with them isn’t going to get you anywhere.
Bro, you don’t know me and you just assume stuff, i dont lose my temper against players, i dont demand they swap, i don’t insult anyone, why the hell do you think i started this thread, i dont gain anything in lying to people i don’t know, whose opinion is irrelevant to me, I’m not here to waste my time, im here cause im serious
I’m making assumptions based on the evidence that’s been presented.
And if you’re being actioned, it not because you’re the shining beacon of the community.
You might not insult, but you don’t need to.
And i’ve been saying that i dont know either why i got banned, i’ve already been banned once, cause i was toxic, and i know it, and i didnt open a thread and lie about it, i literally wouldn’t gain anything in lying to you, idgaf abt what you thing about me yet you still believe circumstances of a situation you don’t know about, and btw false reporting players cause they might spiral into toxic behaviour on the base of nothing is called false-reporting and im pretty sure its a bannable offense
I’d imagine, the second was for the same reason.
I assume after the first, you believe you changed your ways. I’d imagine you’ve gone from being directly toxic to a more passive aggressive, sarcastic approach.
Just be nice to people in games. It’s not that hard, and actually bears more fruit when you want people to change comps up.
Glad to know you know everything with your third eye, like arguing with a wall
You thought we were arguing?
Maybe this is another reason you’re caught out in game. People can offer suggestions and it not be an argument.