I hate you Overwatch

You lied to everyone about OW2 and everyone knows that the real and only reason to remove one and replace with 2 was so that people who were getting loot boxes now had to pay for the skins.

You introduce Brigg to counter actual high skilled heroes.

People who learned how to wall ride as a skill with lucio were undone when you changed the system and made wall riding super easy.

5v5 is absolute crap and just makes tanks invincible to dps and healers, if you are ana or any other heal, dps without mobility or an escape, a tank comes onto you now and you put down your keyboard and accept death.
Widow one shot ever F ING GAME! Its depressing enough being an only solo tank and when all you see is enemy widow kill, enemy widow kill, enemy widow kill. HOW DO YOU STOP YOUR TEAM FROM DYING and yes go dive, go ball, go dva but then my main and only focus AS AN ONLY TANK is 1 dps and recently even if I do sacrifice everything to focus on a lone widow, I return to my team who probably have a reaper on them now to see Mercy ress her. FK THIS!!!

Moira’s not healing using an AI orb and auto aim to out play someone with a far higher skill cap.

I’ve loved and played this game for so long, I don’t play for a few days, login and within 1 hour or 2 games I genuinely want to kill myself.

This game is NOT fun, this game IS dead and Marvel Rivals has absolutely destroyed everything about this absolute garbage, toxic, unplayable mess for an excuse game that is Overwatch 0.5.

Uninstalled and will never play again after about 8 years of playing, no one caused this but yourselves…You have no one to blame, no one owes you anything, you destroyed yourself, from game of the Year 2016, to the lowest voted game in history on steam 2024.

Shame on you


It’s a video game my friend. I wouldn’t get worked up about it, or believe the forum myths about “ded game” and “lies”

You probably want to get help if a video game makes you feel this.

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This is how a lot of us feel about OW2.
Are you still blaming chineses for negative steam reviews?

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I mean, they killed Overwatch, before Overwatch 2 was released, when they changed the ToS to make hacking legal because they are trying to squeeze out the last bit of money they can before Blizzard Entertainment is officially dead.
You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain, and it’s a damn shame Activision killed Blizzard and became the villain…

Literally go ball or sombra and widow isnt a problem.

For the rest i agree, but widow was already nerfed by 50% since OW1.

If you are losing to a widow, its quite lireally skill dif.

Marvel rivals is meh, same problem OW will have wil eventually go there. ATM its in its 1st stage where everything is OP and stuff, eventaully people will get feed up with cheezing eachother and the game will be balanced for the top 1% like its done here.

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Dead game , play Marvel Rivals at least you don’t get banned for nothing there. And it’s way more fun and each game is completely different not like ow2.


Hardly surprising really with how Blizzard treat their playerbase.

Balancing issues aside, in overwatch 1 it felt like you could get everything by just playing. Sure it was a SLOW process but you got there eventually. That led to people actually playing for a long time. Nowadays we can unlock the battle pass stuff which okay, i think is kind of fair. They gotta earn revenue somehow. But its frustrating when you see season after season launch and you get the battle pass, then you see the skins in the shop, usually with some awesome ones you really want, which blizz essentially goes “Yeah we need more money if you want those. Monthly payments arent enough.” So once youve finished the battle pass, youre still left unsatisfied and you have no chance of earning all those skins in game, despite paying monthly. In the end, other games like this have fixed this… Overwatch hasnt and so its lagging behind, its only to be expected as stuff like this really makes people lose interest.

The balance in this game was always notoriously bad. OW2 heros are the worst though, putting everything in one package. The latest tank is a prime example of that, a tank that can wall climb like kiri, wall better than mei, deflect better than doom with more dmg and better ult than both orisa, doom and JQ. And with a pocket or 2 its the new OP hog from old times.

It will eventually get balanced out somehow, the response is waaay too slow though like OW1 end times slow. Considering there is like 1 skin you can buy for him what is the point of this move. Lack of resources and overall apathy.

They want OW to be bought out, and we will eventually buy it if they are not delusional in negotiations. It is actually not smart publicising this but the other party is Tencent who just wants to destroy the competition. There is alot of legal complications as well since some assets are bound to other IPs in the Blizzeverse, royalty fees apply… “just remove the assets”, things ppl purchased with money, way to make a fanbase happy(!), its all not that simple. Games are political now as well.

Yet people praise MR for having nearly no balance.

Balance has never been OW problem.

Hi there, im almost certainly sure you meant HMMR. Which was never mentioned. Or SR, or even being vaguely a topic of the comment.

Which non of it we even care about at this stage, if it was.

If you wanna stick to Blizz, try to get over to some WoW branch, Thor is a friend of mine who hates me (justified). We certainly dont want you in OW. And if Tencent takes over you are out anyway.

And for the rest of you, dont get overly excited. Tencent has alot of funds, game is propably gonna die. Someone ppl have to fight for it though, right?

your chinese warriors try their thing, no chance.

Tencent? The Chinese military company?? :rofl:

I’m sure you meant NetEase.

No no, Tencent. Are you pulling my leg here?

“Tencent invests in a variety of companies across several sectors. The company owns stakes in several popular video game developers, including Epic Games (Fortnite), Roblox Corporation (Roblox), and Riot Games (League of Legends), of which Tencent owns 99.7 percent equity.”

Thats also why you dont install Vanguard Kernel Lvl 0 rootkit anticheat. They will steal everything.

Smallpackage, stop spreading misinformation, pls.

Edit: They are the ones who bought and killed “Fractured Space” to get rid of competition. You dont want that to happen to Overwatch, or maybe you do, I always questioned your motives tbh.

tencent aren’t involved with NetEase.

They also been declared a Chinese military organisation by the US government.

Ultimately, they aren’t relevant in an OW conversation. Where as NetEase are, as they distribute OW in china.

ok whatever you say…

Did you not see that pop up on the news the other day??
BBC News - US designates Tencent a Chinese military company
h ttps://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c9q78wn9g8zo

America is going be fun to watch over the next few years.

Evvvrything in china is state/party owned and or controlled, and or if you go against it as a private company, you might disappear.

What is this argument even, man? What is your point?

This is a very popular western theory. Most likely not true. But who knows.