"I Only Play Doomfist"

He says with 12 minutes on the hero, against a Pharah, having scored zero elims in 10 minutes. Allegedly this performance is “Platinum rank”. In that case I’m Top 500.

This comes right after a match where a DPS and two healers had to 3v6, and we actually WON. Unless you’re playing at Diamond level you’re going to lose most of your Plat games because of teammates like this.

Maybe the Pharah just wasn’t that impactful? People always lose their sh*t when Pharah shoots rockets at them, but they are rarely even harmful.

Trust me, the Pharah was very impactful. Our Doomfist not so much. He did soak up some bullets though, which is apparently enough for Blizzard not to ban you.

Okay, you’ve shown to be a trustworthy person over these years so I’ll just believe you on this one.

I gave Zarya breakfast this morning, it’s your turn soon dear

And guess what? You will win an equal amount because of enemies like this (actually 1/6th more if you’re not one of those people).

Does it matter in the end? No. It actually boosts your MMR, you should be thankful for those people.

This is always what people say, but this has NEVER actually been the case. Even if it was, that means that every single match has a thrower in. Which means that Blizzard are asleep at the wheel.

Nothing they can do other than make the punishments harsher which will also result in more innocent people being thrown under the bus and more of them leaving the game.

How do you, yourself, interact with this Doomfist player in this situation? Are you the kind of player that types “gg, we have a doomfist onetrick” in all chat or are you still somewhat supportive by still giving relevant calls and doing your best throughout the game? Because that stuff matters alot. Team morale is extremely important in this game and from what I can gather from your forum posts you seem to be an extremely negative player that drags the team down along with you just because you “know” you will lose.

We started on attack and struggled to push the cart half way to the second checkpoint. During defence the enemy Mei swapped to Pharah, which prompted me to suggest that the Doomfist swap. I’d already seen that he wasn’t doing much, and our Symmetra was (in my opinion) more valuable. At no point did I engage in any kind of toxicity, the guy never did anything deliberately, they were just bad at the hero. I never gave up on the match either, I harbour a special vitriol against people who throw matches just because someone else isn’t giving it their all. Much easier to win a 5v6 than a 4v6, right?

You’re right that I’m “negative” (a pretty loaded term), insofar as I take the game seriously, and I have very little tolerance for people going out of their way to make the experience worse for other players. Being bad is never grounds for hostility, since every player is bound to be bad sometimes, but in this case it was grounds to swap the hero since they were already a suboptimal pick.

Thanks to the replay system I can tell you exactly what he was doing during the match, and I can confirm that it was merely bad play and not intentional. First thing he did out of spawn was dive the Orisa and Ana on the high-ground, which is a classic sort of mistake that a new player might make after watching Doomfist players. Mostly his problem was jumping into places he had no business being (usually right next to the enemy Mei or a tank), and he spent a large part of the attacking round trying to kill the enemy Widow with limited success.

Then I think the main issue was that he was a bad player, not a Doomfirst OTP. If you realyl struggle vs a Pharah when playing support maybe go for a Baptiste.

It wasn’t just the Pharah, my point was that my team had a hard time in a 5v6 with a player who couldn’t use the hero they chose.

Ye, but that is kinda how everyone feels about everyone in this game because we get no real feedback on what is going on. People yell at me for not healing them when they just ate an Ana nade and stuff like that. Everyone think they’re the best and always make good decisions.

Just because many people are wrong doesn’t mean I’m wrong… I mean I never claimed anything about my personal ability. It’s not as though I was carrying the match. The problem is simply that one player was drastically under-performing for their given rank, and actively refused to swap.

He could be platinum for alot of reasons. Before the role queue it was such a cesspool of moronic hero choices that a person like this could easily climb just by charging his fist and hope for the best.

Not switching isn’t bannable. As long as he’s trying, he’s all good. Grow up, avoid him as teammate, and queue again.