I return to Overwatch

You seem to have no clue about what “soft throwing” means either. Figures. :man_shrugging:

Yeah, I can’t even tell how you can’t see I never said softly.

Soft throw is a specific thing

Since the game launched.

Heiko is actually 100% spot on.

I return to this point.

Soft throwing is a thing. Softly throwing implies actually throwing. Which I don’t do.

Semantics are important.

Don’t be toxic and try insulting people. It’s not cool.

You ever heard someone referred to a hero as a throw pick? Yeah, that’s been a thing since day one. That’s called soft throwing. Where you try win, but you’re deliberately handicapping yourself. It’s a thing in pretty much every PvP game.

Don’t start this again. You’ve had your warning.

Not arguing the fact. I’m arguing the definition.

Semantics again.

The irony. You don’t know much at all do you, maybe learn from your past mistakes instead of repeating them.

Thank you for confirming how toxic you really are and admitting you are in games. I have said my piece. Try to be more sensible and polite in games in future instead of ruining other peoples games with toxicity, thank you.


I’m not toxic. I don’t communicate in games unless playing with friends.

I just occasionally soft throw games.

Firstly, I make mistakes in games. So do you. We both soft throw games.

I also only play certain heroes, as you do. Occasionally this is soft throwing.

When I play Ball I play very aggressively. Sometimes I feed. This is soft throwing.

None of this is “toxic”. You’ve tried to twist the narrative in order to discredit me because of your vendetta.

You soft throw just as much as I do. Maybe even more. I’ve seen your stats after all.

Yes, yes you are.

“Occasionally”, “tend to soft throw a lot now”.

Sure. Keep up with the hypocritical responses and lies. Thanks again for more proof.

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“At infrequent or irregular intervals; now and then”

So yes, both are correct.

I refer back to my point above for another time. Maybe stop the vendetta and failed bullying attempts.

Also, asking Raiden to comment and flag has been noticed.

xDDD I just can’t anymore dude.


I enjoy that he makes totally fabricated accusations, calls me toxic when I’ve not been, and everything else… Whilst proceeding to do all the things he’s accused himself.

I don’t know if it’s because he believe I’ve done that so is trying to get revenge… Or makes the accusations to deflect… Neither seems that great.

But I have the information I need.

He’s never opened a modern dictionary it seems, as he keeps arguing official definitions that are available in any dictionary everywhere.

Seems to also miss a lot of nuance in conversation, but i’m sure we all do that at times.

We can only hope for the best.

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Why do you 2 seem like the very same person :sweat_smile: i see where hes coming from


To me you and wolfie seem like the same person too. But i m pretty certain that you’re not.

Just please don’t start spreading that lie, i implore you.

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Because your are a friend of Versorius and youve been told to come here and say things like that. Nothing more.

Ofcourse though, don’t get “spreading lies” though will you :wink:


I assume someone’s annoyed you. You’ve come back more angry than before lol.

Welcome back though. Another bleak WBA season next season I assume??

Just because someone finds mirroring and hard countering boring doesn’t mean they don’t know how to do it.

But while we’re on the subject.
If the enemy runs JQ, tracer and sombra. How do you recommend a support react to this when their team keeps ignoring the enemy support.
What’s the pick here for support?

So match making sufferers because people play things they like in a video game… Interesting.

Can’t soft throw “for fun”. Soft throwing is unintentional.

More, I like to play the heroes I enjoy playing. If I swap to someone I don’t want to play, you’ll be more likely to lose because I’ll be bored and zone out.

Yes. I play the heroes I want to play. That’s why I bought the game back in the day.

Correct. I play the hero I want to play, I don’t want to swap to heroes that are boring to me.

You can, and you’d be wrong. There is even a specific warning saying not swapping isn’t sabotage.

It isn’t.
Off meta comps win all the time. Many times the enemy has swapped to Sombra against me playing Ball and soft thrown because they don’t really know how to play it and I can change how I play immediately.

Ultimately depends on your tank and DPS.

But assuming no one’s helping you. Play what gives you the best options to live/escape. Kiriko probably the first option. Moira might be a should or Mercy.

Another option is to play more aggressive and DPS’y. Go Lucio and zip about, or Zen/Bap and take them out.

Tank tried to play doomfist, dps had ashe and soldier (i do not know how any of them thought it would work as a comp) at one point we had a hanzo and widow.

Our second support went moira and i started with kiriko. We both swapped after we had died closer to ten times. I tried zen but had absolutely no breathing room.

Me playing lucio is akin to actually throwing since i really struggle with the movement.

The other support shifted to baptiste and that helped enough that our team ended with 2 eliminations in TOTAL, while i did my best to zoom after the doomfist and support him with mercy.

Classic lower elo ow soft throw comps tbf. People will and should always play what’s comfortable for them and what they enjoy.

Kiriko was probably the right play.

Mercy, you could of just pocketed the DPS and bounced between the 2 to survive.

Lucio, you had no one to speed, so you would have needed to go full Reddit Lucio to get value, so not really worth.

I’d of probably just gone Ana and hoped for the best. Don’t enjoy playing kiriko and you know my view on mercy lol

I really suck at ana and lucio, and the dps literally got nothing done as they repeatedly died at spawn.
I figured the best bet was to try support the only player who got to the point at all.

I picked kiriko at the beginning because i figured they’d have a junkerqueen, but the zuzu was pretty useless against an ana and the queen. Not to mention being dived by the tracer and sombra continuously.

I did end up surviving the best on mercy, i even killed the sombra once.

But it was a pretty dire game, figured it was a loss anyway but was just wondering what i could have done better.
There’s only so much i can do skill wise, just wanted an opinion on if i could have picked my hero better.