I return to Overwatch

I had no desire to play this game for weeks. But tonight I thought I’d give it a good few hours…

What on earth has happened to people.

JQ gets gigga buffed and everyone turns in the the most passive of passive players.

Literally every game is 9 people hiding, doing poke damage and then hiding some more.

I say 9, because like F am I playing like that, I’d rather lose 1000 games in a row playing aggressive and at least trying to have fun.

We the players need to do more to make this game fun. Get off the tedious comps and start yeeting about and having a laugh again.

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JQ has made the game boring for me personally. That’s why I’m not playing comp with my tank. I don’t play JQ and I don’t intend to learn the tank just for her to be nerfed into irrelevancy… the game just doesn’t feel as fun right now. I play daily with my friend and we decide to play a little bit where we could usually go all night til we went off. Quick play is also very sweaty which is boring as well, I don’t see why I should try hard because some hard stuck diamond players wanna sweat.

100% agree.

Kids don’t seem to want to enjoy playing. It’s just win at all costs, screw everyone else.

I play Genji, he’s my favourite hero by far and I would say I play him well for being a diamond player but when I play well someone usually switches hero to counter pick. I wanna play the game and have fun not play counter watch, if I wanted to do that I’d queue tank only for comp but this happens on quick play. Even tank it happens, it’s so boring.

Same happens with Ball. The moment you kill someone… SOMBRA.

Even if they have no idea how to play her.

If anything against a Ball player, you are throwing by swapping to Sombra. I’ll happily take every hack then hunt you down

But that’s the mentality of Overwatch players now (partially down to design faults). It’s never “I can beat you with skill” it’s always “I’m going to stop you from playing”.

(Which by the way is technically gameplay sabotage… Just putting it out there)

Yep I agree. It’s incredibly jarring on tank especially because there is only one of you and as you get higher in the ranks you have to play pretty much perfectly, even the smallest mistake can cost you a game. So it’s very irritating when I have to deal with a sym while I’m playing a shield tank and she melts my shield and then me because nobody is targeting her. Tank is horrible because even if you both start on the same hero pick chances are one of you is going to be forced to switch whether the other tank outplays you or the dps/supports switch to better neutralise you and stop you from having as much impact

I don’t have huge desire to play any more because counterwatch is tedious, and mirror watch is meh.

But when I do, I have a lot of fun. I tend to soft throw a lot now, but mostly because I just don’t care. So I’ll end up trying to do fun things, or spawn camping mercy players.

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Not very good mercy players if they’re letting themselves be spawncamped.

If I’m on DPS, they are silver/gold. Neither of us are very good lol

It’s good practise for both then XD
They will eventually learn to look both ways before exiting the spawn.

If you’re the one getting campes. Don’t tilt, embrace it. Have a laugh with it.

It’s been like this for years… Nothing has changed. :man_shrugging:

Let people play the game how THEY want.


I do let. The problem is they complain when I play how I want. Because I’m not passive and scared.

Shame really, but the biggest killer for this game is the people playing it.

The moment when Wetwipe finally realizes hes part of the problem with competitive matchmaking will probably never happen. Thats how big of an of airhead he represents as not playing how the game is suppose to be.

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If I throw a game. Match making isn’t the problem.

Match making would never be an issue in that situation.

Facts! How very contradictory.

Having fun is the problem in a video game?

That logic will make sense one day.

You “softly throwing” ruining others peoples game for your own benefit. Sounds like you…

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You don’t understand what soft throwing is then (no one ever says “softly throwing”)

You make a mistake, you soft throw.

You pick Moira before the buff, you soft throw

And so on. You can be trying to win and soft throw.

Maybe, get all the information before trolling someone so you don’t make yourself look silly.

Also, where’s there ever been a mention of me ruining someone’s game… If anything, people are ruining mine… but you won’t attack them lol.

You do know that feeding is also soft throwing if you don’t know you’re doing it? Just trickling in one by one and refucing to group up is soft throwing.

Deciding to not try at all is throwing.

Actual definition of the term “soft throwing” is: “unintentionally playing worse than you usually do”

So if someone is getting tilted, they are soft throwing.

If someone picks a hero that the enemy keeps countering, it’s soft throwing.

You pick a hero to practise, technically also soft throwing if you lose as a result.

Not grouping up is soft throwing too.

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