If more than 1 person leaves during comp just cancel the match

it’s pointless making us sit there completely useless until the timer runs out, especially if they decide to pop back in last second so the match the thrown and now you can’t even leave.


If the leaver is on your team and you stay beyond the counter, that’s your issue.

You are given the chance to leave and requeue for no extra penalty. Take it.

Completely agree. The amount of games that are lost due to this is quite unbelievable.
Hopefully the next game is more stable, or they take the game away from require BattleNet services to be present once the game is in progress.

Unsure why they based the game off that given that Dota/CS/Warzone doesn’t require their related platforms to be connected once on a server. This would reduce the amount of leavers by a %. I noted multiple times on the competitive forum when this occurs, though for the last few days its been alright except the odd one or two.