Im so done with comp

I’m most likely going to play more, but…I CANT WIN. I’m in gold and was 2469, close to plat. Then it hits me a bad loose streak. so i quit playing for a few days. When i come back i win 2 then loose 5 in a row. And to top that off Last game a teammate said “TRYING TO get lower to play with friends” I solo queue i’m now 2162. I am a very good(for gold standers) main tank and good support. I don’t play any dps, and can’t. I’ll answer any question, but can i have some suggestion. also i have climbed really fast. I play ~8hr week. Also i call out and have learned not to ramble on.


i have had the same issue as you with comp, so i just quite playing comp entirely because i kept going down, i was in platinum but thanks to players playing poorly/ negatively i went down to gold. i got so fed up that i was not able to go back to gold that i entirely quite playing comp forever.
So sorry i can’t help you here.


Post a vod for review if you want tips to improve.

Sadly though, the game is a slot machine. You pull the handle and your skill is how many nudges you get.

The matchmaker is a joke and most games are decided by which team has fewer morons on it.

One game I end up barely 1-1 kd. Next game I go 33-2 kd as the enemy are the morons feeding all game.

Biggest skill I’m learning is when to hero swap.
If I’m tank but team wants to feed without me, I swap to dps.
If I support and nothing dies on enemy team, I dps.

OW is a 1v11 game. You sometimes need to play as if your team mates are actively trying to sabotage you.

Even in high gold grouping up and using barriers is mystic GM level tech for some.

Your personal skill is completely up to you. Whether you get good teammates or not is a slot machine. I’m assuming when you said “skill” you meant “skill rating”

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No, I meant your own skill.

In gold I’d get 10 nudges. Kabaji got 1000 on his Anubis game as he went full try hard Tracer and got 86% kp.

His team was dire, but he pretty much solo carried. I’m not skilled enough to do that…

Stop thinking that you can’t and start thinking you can do everything, its better to find out much later when you can’t do something then to start assuming you can’t right now without trying, you can achieve lot more then you think this way even reach GM.

That means his q range would be 1162 that seems really unlikely that his friends are that much lower. Sounds like a laim excuse to me for being bad.

I can guarantee you, if you play better than the average player in your games, you will climb!

Btw the chances of getting a thrower, terribly bad teammate or onetrick on your team, is lower than on the enemy team. Keep that in mind.

I didn’t think it was posable to lock your solo sr score to a team loss. came out of placement at 1280 after a week I’m @ 1002. and never anyone faults cus I usually as support am responsible to play hit-scan healer . duel tanks and DPS counter pharmercy OH yeah and Heal Genji and doom in the opposite team’s backline behind a wall and corner.


My peak in previous season was 2746 and I started this one with 2350.

I was there. Exactly in same spot for past 30 days or something like that. I get to 2480 and then I lose 100 SR and then I get up back and then I lose it again. I had also 200 SR lose but around 2400 most of the time.

Took me a month to get back and last night, I got back into platinum and I assure you, in a game like Overwatch, which is a heavily team based game, everyone who tells you that only way to climb is to “carry” is trolling and a liar. That is for people who believe that there is only one super god dude that plays awesome and everyone else is a minion.

Everyone in gold is going to focus you down if you are doing most eliminations.

I have seen too many of players in gold that truly made me wonder how they are even there. Most people cannot understand that it’s very bad when you literally have a match in your hand, for example, you have 4:35 min vs 1:00 min payload advantage and you lose that. I ripped 2x t-shirts because of that.

My last match before I got back into platinum both teams didn’t even push payload to the first point, we could almost lose that one but we were better anyways and we pushed further with 1 min left.

My tip would be, try to do what your team mates won’t (if it’s possible that is) and just keep on playing. There is literally nothing that I can point my finger on and say “Hey, that is why I climbed”. My win - lose ratio doesn’t help the logic either. I have 111 wins and 106 loses for this season.

Also, it probably helps to not listen to the people on the forum. Most of them whine about same things and I am sure they wouldn’t win more if those things were solved.

yeah then go quickplay, I’m sure QP is the pinnacle of teamplay you will enjoy lmao XD

You simply reach your limits, that’s it mate. The system put you with stronger player when you rank up, if you lose that you’ll lose SR till the system see you outplay your enemy. Your true SR is your floor SR not your pick SR.