Impossible rank up in solo queue

how the kcuf am i supposed to get out of silver when in pretty much every single game i’ve got a gold medal in my role but i lose anyways

its the same in gold, plat, diamond. All full of smurfs, boosters and people who dont play to win. Smurfs and the matchmaking make it trashy; competitive is dead since season 5.


I fell to silver once, now I’m low diamond and I got close to 3400 this season.
It can be done my friend.

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This is a 6v6 team game which means you can improve your win rate a lot not only by being a good individual player but also by grouping up with some other reasonably good players in your rank. If you think it was good cooperating with some other players then why don’t you group up with them for a few more matches?

You can’t be that good if you haven’t yet realised that gold medals are worthless.

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i know that gold medals are worthless,what i meant by that is that i’m pretty sure i belong at least to low gold,my accuracy with aim heroes is usually around 50%,i play a lot of other fps games(where i’ve got an actual good rank) so i’m not horrible in that regard,i may sometimes make stupid greedy strategic moves but overall i’ve got common sense and it’s not that big of a deal too.

Best way to climb is stop blaming your teammates and blame yourself for not been good enough to carry yourself out there is personal stats below diamond and if you are not getting more sr than you lose then it means you are playing average for the rank you are at or worse so why do you deserve higher if you cant even play better than players at your own rank?

There is no elo hell untill diamond+ after diamond you must get around a 60% winrate to climb so it becomes more of a grind and playing consistent if you play perfect or close to perfect every game you will win more than you lose if not you need to spot what you did wrong and fix it.

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improving is the only way. If you can’t climb, you belong where you are.

Disagree with this. I’ve floated up to 2800 and down to 2100 with the same play style and hero pics solo queueing. I have no idea where I belong SR wise.

where you are right now.
You are not alone playing, other people improve themselves too. The game changes also, if your hero falls out of the current meta you might start losing rank.

If you cant maintain the SR then you dont deserve it there is win streaks and loss streaks in this game thats true but if you keep playing you should be able to get back to 2800 if not then it was just luck.

id say to find out where you belong in a season you need to play 150+ games

I don’t think you get what I’m saying. I’m currently sitting at nearly 2700. After climbing to 2800, dropping to 2100 and climbing to where I am again. It will no doubt plummet then rise in the future. My SR doesn’t stay static. I’ll go on win streaks, then crazy loss streaks. It’s totally random if I win or lose a game and my skill doesn’t have much of a difference on that.

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Stop caring about what your team does and start playing to your full potential focusing only on own performance, also stop listening to advice from team it only makes you even more hardstuck at your rank then you already are, advice from silver gold players make you silver gold player, find your own limits don’t let others decide your limits.

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It’s pretty hard to blame myself instead of my teammates when i’m usually doing better than them on average.It’s also pretty concerning that people see ranking system as something that works flawlessly/always tells you the EXACT rank you should be at.Funny enough i checked stats of my friend who’s in high gold and they are pretty similliar to mine including his playstyle.

You can definitely blame yourself for not recognising that this is a 6v6 team game in which you are only one contributor. Your 5 other team mates are a huge factor. You can also be part of the problem that makes the team disfunctional. This is why it’s better to play this game by grouping up with compatible team mates.

Random teams provide random/inconsistent results, lottery. This inconsistency is significantly worse in lower ranks.

Personal ranks in a 6v6 team game with randomly built teams in which people are supposed to flex? This system exist only because this is what you can sell to casuals who don’t want to play in stable teams like pros. Ranks are very inaccurate because of the random teams. For this reason it’s ridiculous when people are crying for losing 50 or a few hundred SRs.

The challenges associated with achieving similar numbers can be very different in each rank. For example when it comes to damage: in lower ranks it might be difficult to lay down high damage because your team mates die often and/or not supporting you but better players in higher ranks might have very different challenges: for example better enemies that are hard to damage/kill.

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This is not the Olympus, medals doesnt mean much to be honest. You can have gold Medal with 10 kills and 9 deaths. If you have consistently something like 45 elims while only 5 deaths, its something different, you will simply climb out of silver by having these stats. Solo q is actualy best way how to climb, you have no friends who could hold you back with you and less chance to get stupid stacks not joining voice chat.

Post here link to your recorded game and i will tell you if you belong higher.

You are totally wrong, solo queue is the worst to use if you want to climb. It’s full of trolls, smurfs , toxic people, ppl who disconnect, people who ragequit, people who don’t care if they win or lose. You face 2, 3 ,4 stacks also etc. Playing with friends can eliminate most of that.


Today, I hit plat for the first time. A week ago I was sitting at 2000 SR. Climbing is possible, and I can only share how I did it:
a) Pick a high impact role. Off Tank > Off Heal > Main Tank > DPS > Main heal
b) Be proactive in voice/text chat. Talk to people about the comp without being preachy or demanding or toxic. Ask nicely, and most of the times the comp will get decent. Obviously it requires you to be flexible yourself. When you instalock DPS and cry 2-2-2, people will ignore you, cause you expect from others what you don’t deliver yourself.
c) Use voice efficiently. Call out other players, voice your thoughts on enemy ults possible coming up, compliment your team mates on good plays, organize dives and pushes, but don’t clog the voice chat.
d) When you find someone that gels well with you, think about duo-cueing. I did so myself, and to be honest, my win rate dropped in the progress, so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it - but it does take out the variance at least a bit.
e) Performance doesn’t influence much. I had games with 51 elims 0 deaths and only got +28 SR, in other games I didn’t have much impact and still got +24. In the end, medals don’t mean much. You can have a boat load of damage because you farm enemy tanks without killing them instead of attacking the supports and winning a fight. You can have all the elims because you hit every enemy for 1 damage and let your team to the real work. You can have gold healing because the other support played Zen and did great work that doesn’t get them a medal. You can have 0 deaths because you don’t take risks and don’t contest. Don’t console yourself by getting high on medals, think about whether you could have made a bigger impact. The only use for medals is that you can flame your 4 insta-lock-DPS team mates when you get gold damage and elims as off tank.^^


Thanks for the tips,as of today i stopped caring as much about my rank,i started playing mainly for fun but also pushing myself to the limit in the competitive.I’ll try my best to hit atleast gold rank and if that won’t work in the solo queue i guess i’ll just find some people to play with so that the team coordination will be better.

The more people you queue with as a stack who you trust and you know are at your level, the more you eliminate the RNG of who you get in your queues, duo/triple queue works best as you can take 1 sup / 1 tank / 1 dps and then at least have some sort of structure in games. You can be the best damn carry in solo q, team kill every single time but if no ones on the payload, then it’s a loss, overwatch is about teamwork at the end of the day, so suggest improve on comms skills as well, even simple call outs like “I am going to bubble you rein, push with lucios amp” will win you fights

Sorry, but you are the one who is wrong. If you are alone you have less chance to get boosters boosting theyr lower ranked friends or bigger stacks who are highly coordinated. I have more than one account and did climb several times. Every time i played solo i climbed much faster
To climb with friend, he has to be already better than his rank or improving at same speed as you, if not he is just a dead weight for you. And in that case you have to carry him.