Impossible to climb on ranked as healer

you didnt call anything. you made an objectively wrong statement and then asked for attention.

another member of the correction squad joins the fray.

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You wouldnā€™t get ā€œcorrectedā€ if you werenā€™t incorrect in the first place.

You claim ā€œitā€™s impossible to climb on all the rolesā€.

I claim you need to just play better

i mean I am living proof of how wrong you are. I was silver when I started playing. now Im gm.

you are objectively wrong and aware of it.

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People seem completely unwilling to take responsibility for their progress.

From what I can tell on these forums, the only way people will be happy is if they are given free SR. And even then, theyā€™d probably blame someone else for it.

Thatā€™s a rather narrow view.

Your SR progress is somewhat your responsilbity but itā€™s heavily affected by the 11 other people in each game, how well they play and how well they work together (or otherwise).

Iā€™m finding it difficult to rank up playing mainly Moira/Lucio, I do play the other healers and sometimes I tank but i rarely dps. Itā€™s partially my fault, as how well I play varies wildly and my choice of heroes leave something to be desired, Iā€™ll admit that much.

But there are so many other situations that are completely beyond an individualā€™s control e.g.: -

  • Teammates playing for themselves rather than the team

  • Poor team comp

  • Terrible matchmaking

  • A failure to swap characters to counter enemies

  • Communication or lack thereof

  • People picking dps, when they quite literally cannot aim

  • Premade groups vs randos

  • Toxic players

  • Smurfs/cheaters/throwers/griefers/leavers

  • Etc

Effectively itā€™s largely down to luck. Thereā€™s only so much a single person can do to win games and affect their own rating, it is, after all, a team game.

All these things will effect a singular match I agree. (although there are signs you might be a classic OW toxic gatekeeper there).

These will not effect a season, which is solely down to how you do, as you are the only player in all of your games.

You are finding it difficult on Moira/Lucioā€¦ instantly I am questioning how many games of rush are you playing. If it isnā€™t manyā€¦ then play literally any other support and you will be better off.

This whole ā€œits 11 othersā€ mentality is exactly why people donā€™t take any personal responsibility for the mistakes they make in game. It is always someone else. Well, I am sorry. You probably arenā€™t high rankingā€¦ which means you are making just as many, if not more mistakes.

Whatā€™s that?

I assume itā€™s a label of some sort that you use to disregard both facts and relavent opinions in an attempt to present your own view as reality.

Ah yes, thereā€™s the complete disregard for cold, hard, facts. Did you take lessons from Trump?

I presume you didnā€™t actually read, or perhaps simply disregarded any of the above scenarios, keeping that narrow view going strong, take a look left or right once in a while.

There just as much chance for you to have a game where you screw up at every turn but still win, as there is for you to have a game where you play almost the perfection but still lose.

An individuals personal performance by and large will have a relatively minor impact on the overall outcome of a game, unless they heavily outclass their opponents (something which matchmaking should, but often doesnā€™t account for).

And yet you ignore the fact that if they could happen in one match, then they could happen in many matches. Possibly even every game you play in one evening, if youā€™re terribly unlucky.

Iā€™ll play what I find fun, thank you very much.

Iā€™m quite happy being at 2.2k, though it feels like I should maybe 2.3/2.4k but thereā€™s only so much I can do to effect that, especailly with my choice of characters (aside from some sweet Lucio boops).

Not thatā€™s what you were trying to do when claiming people who arenā€™t as great at aiming as you play dps. People can pick whatever role they want. Donā€™t gatekeep.

You keep thinking others are impacting your whole season. When the reality is, if you play better, youā€™ll do more in a match and win more gamesā€¦ worrying about things, and using them to deflect blame, that our out of your control is a pointless exercise.

Youā€™ll be 2.2k because over a season, thatā€™s where your level is.

more narrow than claiming climbing is impossible?

the point is to improve enough to carry the 5 others on your team. the 11 others is a less impactful argument than you think.

moira is trash and lucio requires either coordination or solid skill in duels, neither of which are present in a 2.2 player.

its entirely your fault.

the enemy has a higher chance of that happening. you want to bring up other players but it only occurs on your team?

same as above.

same as above.

same as above.

same as above.

see, now this is fair one. except that you can also group.

the enemy has 1 more potentially toxic player.

oh no! the enemy is more likely to get a smurf. what every will you do?
they are also more likely to get throwers, leavers and greifers.

stop looking for excuses.

their own rating is the exact thing people are trying to improve dude. you get better and you start to make a difference. why do you think the top ranked players are consistently in the 60% range of winrate?

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Thereā€™s only one possible answer, why u canā€™t climb:

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This. Although I would have said it in a more civil wayā€¦ lol

Play bap or ana, they do more than moira. Ana can outright destroy tanks, cancel ults and make the other teams healers useless. Bap essentially has an ult on a CD