Impossible to climb on ranked as healer

im seriously doing an avrage of 25-30k healing each match with moira but i cant get out of silver, what else do i need to do do i have to push for 30k damage each match to?


im gonna be honest pal, low ranks you should just learn ana or zen (maybe bap too but i feel like hes easier to fall into the healbot trap). they scale better and have more carry potential, but zen will start fall off at some point at around mid diamond when focus starts becoming a thing. he gets better once peel starts to become a thing, he has a weird viability range.
if you dont think your dps are doing well enough then you do their job for them as zen.
if your tanks are dying then go ana and get a phat nade.

it can feel like support has little impact and some games are just unwinnable but you do have the tools to exploit enemy weaknesses while enabling your team.
unfortunately, supports are just that though, enablers.

Greetings,you can do alot stuffs to change your competative division,meybe try to play with a friends for short duration of time,try to lead your team by using voice chat in-game,try to play smart?You really don’t need a 30k hps/dmg to get out from Silver. If u greedy for dps that’s a why you cant leave Silver :slight_smile:

Play bap or ana, they do more than moira. Ana can outright destroy tanks, cancel ults and make the other teams healers useless. Bap essentially has an ult on a CD

raw healing isn’t that ranks you up. Winning matches is.


so you mean i should stop doing healing as a healer and focus on tanking or doing damage?

Well, I’m garbage on support and never heal that much. I’ve gone from 2100 to 2600 on support.

I don’t know what you’re doing wrong, maybe you lack situational awareness to get full value out of moira - she’s not a pure healer support, she can dish out some decent damage too and even suits best against certain heros like genji, whereas she gets completely wrecked by others. With dps healers heros like Moira you constantly bounce between DPSing and healing, you need to perfect that skill in order to get proper value out of her. Difficult to judge from a forum post what you’re doing wrong. Like with any other hero your win chance also heavily depends on what comp/enemy you face, sometimes a different hero simply works better. One more thing I’d suggest is learning other supports like Mercy, Zen, Ana or Bap so you can pick the best for any given situation. Overwatch is a never stopping game of counterpicks.

You need strong dps come play with us


Any Moria I see has a win percentage below 50% that’s got to prove that she is a bad hero I think it’s due to her not really being able to change the out come of a fight like most of the other healers

You aren’t supposed to climb. It’s not a ladder. You’re supposed to find your true rank and then spin your wheels eternally, like a hamster wheel.

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Tbf you’re not just a heal bit you have to provide utility such as nade, lamp, discord, speed etc to help the team. All the healing is great but if you can’t shut the other team down you’re just sat in a team fight all day.

Support is the most difficult role to climb on until the teams are actually balanced. Then you can pop off. It can be completely RNG though. E.g. Reins charging in and dying every fight, for no reason. Or people picking Rein+Roadhog into Genji, and watching him farm them for Ult from 10 miles away, creating 0 space.

Hanzo/Widow completely mitigate this for you though, as you can’t out heal their damage.

You also can’t force your team to land headshots on the enemy team.

If you really want to climb play Tank/DPS, as support is only really fun to climb with in a premade. DPS is fun even if you lose, as tanks and supports are randomly given boring kits compared to them.

Or just play Ana. She has good healing, damage and better utility than some DPS.

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Ana is the way my mate

Sometimes you do 12+k healing in a single round, kill half the team on your own, sleep all their ults and still loose.

You are most likely depending on teamplay and team comp.
On lower rankings it is pure hell (no use of voice, most people going yolo, people don’t understand feeding or countering the enemies comp. etc. etc.)
the higher you get the better it becomes.

The best tip i can give you is to find a group of people who are willing to listen, play together, learn and improve.

or play 2-2-2 Quickplay which is more fun since no bad player is able to lower your SR since there is none

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Its impossible to climb in any of the roles. but I know the correction squad are gonna say how wrong I am.

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If you know you are wrong… why not just correct yourself…

I called it. you know everything, and if anyone says something you don’t like its wrong. does this correction squad pay? or is it volunteer work?

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If you think it is impossible. Maybe justify why.

I haven’t said you are wrong. Merely if you know you are stating something that is wrong…

im a 4.5k peak support main, i can look at one your games if you post the replay code. But if youre getting 30k healing in a game, something is def wrong. Fights are probably lasting to long and I guess youre struggling to keep your resources up. Try a different support who has more impact