Information about how Ranked works

Hello, I’m just looking for some information on how ranked works as title suggests…

So me and my friend decided to try competitive, we both did our 5 placement games both as support, through our 5 placement games, which were all wins, I was getting mostly golds etc, like they were some good games for me.

after getting placed, I was placed in Silver 1630SR, and he was placed in 2380SR.
(Neither of us had played it before, these were our first every games, He is level 91 Profile level, I’m level 102.)

Just wondering as to why there is such a difference & what I could of done in placement to be that high in comparison? I’m now stuck in the silver bracket getting constant losses :frowning:

Your friend has a better mmr then you im assuming.

Yeah but how does that happen? If we’re both playing for the first time, and playing together in the same game

QP matters so that might be it

Like other people said, QP for some reason matters in order to get a high rank in comp. You need to buy the game again and retry.

You have both played quickplay and your friend has played better so has a higher mmr which is what the placements use to decide your sr.