Is Now a Good Time to Come Back

So i stopped playing OW about a week after the latest hero come out which i think was that healer bloke forgive me for not remembering his name has the grenade gun thingy.

Was wondering if its worth coming back i always sat around mid plat mainly playing tank and heals but towards my break was playing dps but stopped playing because of a lot of reasons but mostly because the fact that in almost all of my games people refused to work together or just went straight dps teams. <— i was part of this problem at one point.

so what im asking is has any thing changed if so what is it and is it worth coming back ?

If you like the same old crap of double snipers… smurfing genji and tracers stomping your teeth out… useless team mates and constant flaming for your hero picks?

Then yeah its a great time to come back… nothing has changed though


same old same old then still might give it a go who knows

There aren’t any smurfs around. It’s just bunch of cheaters using aimlock on character edges and Blizzard will never ban them. You will see them everywhere.

Here’s a sample:

Blizzard absolutely doesn’t care.

I also just started playing again after a 3 month break. My first break from the game ever. Bad balancing finally got to me enough that frustration overtook fun. So I could either keep playing and complain about it all, or just play other games which I’m glad I did.

It’s been two weeks since I’ve been back and imho things seem pretty much the same. A few heroes weaker, a few stronger, nothing drastically different from what I can see.

A lot more leavers in comp though. Every 3 games it feels like people just give up and leave, more so than previous seasons I’ve seen.

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Its because matchmaking and balance is a joke people dont want to spend 20-30 minutes wasting their time unable to get out of spawn…

Its suppoesed to be a hero shooter not a running simulator…

On top of that most people have multipal accounts so can easily cycle the competative time suspensions as much as they want…

I do it myself if a game cant be won i just quit out and switch account…

Am i proud of it? No but blizzard doesnt give the choice of a surrender option and im not accepting being punished for not wanting to waste what precious little time i have to play a video gamr and have fun…

Because what blizzard dont seem to realise is that people have lives outside of video games… like work… and responsibilitys… i maybe get 2 hours a day if im lucky to play a game… and as said previously i dont want to waste a quater of it looking at the “beautiful” artwork of the spawnroom… or running too and from point inbetween respawns because ive been 1 shot by a widow camping way in the back… or keep getting 1 shot by hanzo or junkrat spam at corners which cant be seen or avoided…

The way thw game is just isnt condusive to fun…

And before you say “if you’re not gonna be serious you should stick to quickplay blaa blaa”

We all know quickplay is a massive radioactive dumpster fire and there is little to no fun to be had…

Not only that i like playing both sides of a round attack and defense… and all i ever get in quickplay is defense and thats boring

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It is not the same when you left it, it is much worse now :rofl:

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I respect your opinion and understand Blizzard has made this wonderful game quite frustrating for many, so i can’t judge you for leaving, but we have quite different approaches and outlooks on the game. Personally I love QP, I love that we have a mode with no rules, no role select, we can practice and play anything and anyone in peace, and while there is quite a lot of moaning and toxicity in QP (mainly in text chat, by low ranked players with private profiles) I personally just ignore it all, I got in with the mindset that I’m there to have fun and improve my own personal skills.

Sure many will say how can you have fun in a place so messy and uncoordinated as QP, and to that I would say, different strokes for different folks. How I see the world is different to the next person. I might see QP as a great place to just unwind after work, listen to some music while I warm up my aim in preparation for an hour of comp. Other might hate QP so much they just use the shooting range.

Another thing I never do, simply on principle, is leave a comp game. Only if I have 2-3 people leave and give up, then yeah it’s pointless, but I’ve never been the fist one to leave or give up if it gets tough. Mainly because I don’t believe in giving up even if the enemy team is better on paper, higher ranked, etc, and secondly because I only have one account, so that 50sr penalty will add up!

He’s name is Baptiste

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If you like the unchanging world of Blizzard continuing to ignore our cries to fix matchmaking and do SOMEthing about smurfs as well as your other concerns, then yes, return for more of that fun.

I mean, I agree that comp has been a mess for a long time but they actually are doing something, this week in fact. 2-2-2 will make a difference to competitive experience, I’m sure of it.