Is ow2 putting AI in comp games?

I keep on having a ~30kills gap between me and the second dps that blizzard fills my team with, at this point Im going to share the game id with you but he’s either silver, which means blizzard’s matchmaking is dogpoopoo, or he’s clearly Artificial Intel. Game code : J6TVXE He started as Pharah in the begginning, he’s the « ONE » guy

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Short answer. No

Long answer. No

You probably shouldn’t post codes of people just having a bad game.

If they are deliberately throwing the game, you shouldn’t be naming and shaming.

Just the MMR being terrible as per.

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How so. They will be similar MMR.

What in the game makes you think the MMR of the players was the issue?

I mean it’s annoying I keep on getting bad players as a 2nd dps they can’t aim and they have no brain … WTF…

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If you have a player of certain skill, the enemy team should have a player of similar skill in the same role. That’s the extent of the matchmaker.

The rest comes down to picks and synergy.

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You don’t.

You’re playing while titled and blaming others. It’s literally the OW players golden rule. Pick someone and blame them.

I am now watching this game…
From the start your Pharah is doing standard Pharah spam, you are stood far back afk doing nothing… You don’t shoot for 15 seconds. The other DPS has already hit 30% ult charge…

Takes you nearly a minute to be aggressive… Then you go back to being scared.

You right clicked a wall…

Pharah seems to be holding ult for not particular reason though. Could have used and been well on her way to another by now.

Honestly. This match is boring me, got 6 minutes in. You’re both ineffective, but so are the enemy DPS.

Please stop blaming your teammates when you are clearly just as much an issue as they are.

I’d maybe do some work before making unhelpful comments like this. Spreading misinformation and misleading people isn’t good.

You don’t know that Rodimus.

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I do. I’ve also just watched the game. Maybe you should.

Do you even know the result of the match? Lol

I wasn’t blaming anybody btw, I was douing with my mercy and carrying aimless bots like that all day but that one looked like AI for me, and yes the result is that I won the match, but I don’t want to need to sweat in my games like that, I need equivalent efforts from all team members

Honestly. There wasn’t much in it between the both of you.

You were too passive, he was constantly looking for the perfect ult.

Neither had aim to dazzle anyone. Just standard low elo OW stuff

Plenty for both of you to learn from and improve on.

If you need that to succeed you’re playing the wrong game. Just focus on maximising what you bring. You should be aiming to carry games. If you are, then that’s a good sign you should move up in time.

I did laugh when you were in the tunnel and tried to right click the shield down… But spaffed it up the wall.

One tip ill give you, if you’re doing nothing, question why. Always make sure you’re doing something. If it’s not shooting, you should be repositioning or finding an off angle/flank.