Is reporting players for gameplay sabotage even worth?

I report bad players who intentionally make bad choices, such as picking heroes which enemy team has counters too or not suitable for the missions. What annoys me most is a teammate who REFUSES to switch. You cannot deal with these people. If they want to play as Widow, Hanzo, Ana or Wrecking Ball they will never switch to a different hero.

My question is, is it worth reporting players for such thing? Will they get punished?

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Gameplay sabotage is:
Actively harassing or disrupting your own team through the use of mechanics or player actions. This includes placing a symmetra teleporter at the edge of a cliff, or intentionally allowing yourself to be killed (feeding)

Gameplay sabotage is not:
Simply making a mistake, playing poorly, or an unwillingness to switch heroes.

If I was you I wouldn’t report others, unwillingness to switch heroes is not gameplay sabotage and therefor your report can be considered false and that is punishable.


False reports aren’t punishable currently. Though from my experience, the vast majority of people don’t report unless they feel they have a valid reason to.

is that an official statement? If so, when did they change it?


can’t prove false report without ingame recordings and a proper GM staff actually reviewing the material.

Still, please dont waste time by false reporting.


Dats not game play sabotage, u just a salty c*nt

You can’t report them according to Overwatch reporting rules… but you should be the one paying attention because you can receive a warning for abusive reports if I remember well, or your reports are going to be less effective.

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This is your problem. People just happily reporting anybody they feel like.
They have the same selfrighteous attitude as the people they report.
Reporting others will not make the game better.
We sold our freedom to leave, to report people asserting that freedom.