It's just not fair

I read on Blizzard page, that they can’t do much about making teams in competetives. But it’s not playable like that. In at least 5 last games had my team lower lvl and rank than the enemy team. It is clear that we stand no chance against enemy team, because they had more experience and skill than us. I can’t be angry on my teammates, because I know, it’s not their (our) fault. For example, last few games was our team level around 300 and there were just three gold ranked people. In enemy team there was average level 700 and most of the players had gold rank. I don’t like to play competetives because of this problem and 'cause I’m able to say, the enemy team is going to win even tho that the match hadn’t really started yet. I would like to play competetives where both teams have the same chance to win :frowning:

Player level have little to do with player skill in ranked.

Of course experience can help you to understand game better, but after level 25 (which is minimum to play ranked) learning curve is much slower. Some studies says that it takes up to 10000 hours to master something you want to be good at.

Also some low level players can understand competitive play way better than some high level players. Because level does not correlate to competitive time only.

There are players in the bronze who have max level and have zero clue how to play this game. Also that there is low level players who are in masters and grand masters and can carry team full of high levels.