"its just qp"- your part of the problem

We are all human and we all wanna have fun and good games, for some that means fun at expense of others, i think the later one is a very bad one, and these are the kind of players that make me wanna uninstall, no matter what this is and always will be a team game, you can also have fun and good games as team :thinking:, how the enemy team feels about that is their problem not your teams problem.:grin:

Where is this statement?
Or gamemode explanation?

I understand completely how you might be feeling, as of lately QP has just felt like a game of “if you can’t beat them, join them,” as most of my games have been with people who auto-lock DPS and struggle to get any picks at all. I’m generally always either support, or tank (despite damage being my favourite role to play, too). If I switch or they die because I’m being picked off repeatedly or they are going in solo, I get harassed.

Truthfully, I don’t play competitive because there are days I’m not doing well in terms of performance, and the pressure of having an off day and effecting another players rank makes me a bundle of nerves. That said, I also really like communicating, having a good composition, and being a “try-hard” to win.

Unfortunately, it is quick play, and while I don’t agree with players being un-cooperative, or insta-locking damage, etc etc… Because it’s not ranked it’s not looked at in the same light as competitive, where players who are serious about the game & winning go (though I’ve heard that it’s not much better than QP in some cases). Truthfully, no matter the game mode, I feel you are going to run into players who don’t want to cooperate.

As a suggestion that you, of course, don’t have to take: The best thing you could probably do is use the group finder & lock the roles, or make your intentions of playing seriously known there to those that join you. :c

Rycroft- you have put into words exactly how I feel! I like to play tank or support too and I have the same issues. QP is becoming a FFA which we can’t do anything about other than sound like butthurt babies.

I just want to play a good game with my TEAM!

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I’m glad I could encompass how you feel too, Wee! Sadly, it does feel very much so like it’s just a FFA now, where anyone can do anything they want. To take it a step further, those players also feel comfortable calling everyone else out but themselves for the loss!

It would be nice to just be able to join a game and have cooperative players, but again, I think the solution is just to use the group finder and adjust it’s settings to what you’d like to see, and go from there.

The problem is for many, “cooperative players” are “players who do what I tell them so I can play what I want”.
It doesn’t work that way.

The point is - we are all supposed to be playing the same game and some of us are playing it as it was meant to be played and some of us aren’t.

The ones who aren’t, are spoiling it for the ones who are. That’s the bones of it for me.

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I don’t doubt that. It may be true that’s what some people believe cooperation to be, but if you are demanding other players to do as you say so that you can do what you want - you’re not cooperative either, just another part of the issue.

By cooperative, I mean using your common knowledge as a player, based on not only your team composition but the enemies as well, to do what you can to help your team succeed. For example, I help my team through cooperation without being asked, because it’s generally common knowledge what counters what, or what we could use to win. You can also ask for help, or make suggestions when games aren’t going well, without demanding it of people. Ie. When I have a group full of damage players and one tank, and I’m solo healing but struggling, I ask: “Would it be possible to get a second healer?” It’s not so that I can play what I want (because if I wanted to play what I want, I would be just another insta-lock DPS player) but so that we can hopefully push the point and actually capture it.

The definition of cooperation in itself is to work together to achieve something, and in this case it would be winning. If I expect cooperation from my teammates, I expect to be held to the same standards.

Again show proof i haven´t seen your proof, that you said you got banned and it was unjust.

no you can´t do what ever you want, blizzard has also stated this, like throwing yourself off a cliff, griefing your team with mei walls, all of these are reasons for getting banned. If you are not healing your team even if you have nothing better to do, then you are deliberately griefing, otherwise you shouldn´t have picked a healer, going into battle only using pistol as mercy is another thing tho.

pcgamesn (dot) com/overwatch/overwatch-uprising-2018-next-event-one-trick-jeff-kaplan

There is a difference between enemy and your team, you cant even see that so it is quite clear, why you are banned.

Mmm, mate, what are you talking about? What reasons are given in ban email?
That’s just a template, they fill in username, and send. It’s not like someone is typing it manually, explaining why you got banned, and what you should not do.

It explains what justifiable category you were banned under, you haven´t shown it, so i am quite easily able to know, that it is prob cause you deserved it.

your aim, your game sense, a character, what ever reason it might be, are you like the lowest rank possible and can´t see nothing from that hole you are in ?

Ohh really and where is your data on that as well, mister. You seem to be unable to prove anything that comes out of your mouth.

So … where’s your proof that people get unbanned? You don’t have it because you’re just another blizzard fanboy hoping to get to volunteer … right? Because publishers never lie :slight_smile:

Nope, reports are reasons to get banned, and it says so in CoC, Blizzard stated nothing, because their ban reasons are volatile. There’s no hard line between what’s bannable, and what is not. You get reported enough times - you are banned.

Now, read that sentence again. Call your dad to read it for you, if it’s too hard for you to understand.

How about practicing how to defend yourself as Mercy? Is that something people should not practice? You just keep burying yourself trying to defend indefendable … No worries, you might get to volunteer soon …

But proofs are droping down like rain out of your mouth … :lol:

An easier idea is to use LFG, just find a group that is willing to play qp seriously or create your own group

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Stevoo and Fuey are both examples of this, neither were big streamers, when they first got banned, so right there you have proof, now where is yours :wink:

Again feel free to pull out the CoC that says it is banable to get enough reports. They have a system in place that automatically ban people, who are getting enough reports, a rather good thing to have against cheaters and hackers. Yet these types of bans are circumvented if they are not accurate, any of the reports. Fuey and Stevoo are both proofs of this. Even argee was banned before, but stayed banned cause the community could find several instances of him throwing games, when people picked his main and him being toxic. Now that is not a one trick ban either.

There is a difference between enemy and your team, you cant even see that so it is quite clear, why you are banned.

Your argument holds no water, cause i stated defending yourself is totally valid, yet it is not valid to refuse healing your team, when you have nothing else to do.
Stop trying to argue this, you are making yourself look like a fool.

Again just a bad comeback, when i challenge the fact, that you cannot prove anything you say. Unlike me, who have proven most of your words completely false.

Yep, you have troubles reading. So, they’re not streamers? OK …

No, they’re not. Only streamers/youtubers, because they have audiance. Ordinary players don’t. How can ordinary player prove that he was doing nothing wrong?
Who will pay CS to go through hours of footage and waste hours of their time just to see if some random guy needs to be unbanned? Who will invest into infrastructure only to store billions of hours of footage, only so that CS can go through it and unban people? If you really believe that … you’re either delusional or 15 …

So, what if someone playing healer is not a good healer, but must play because others were faster insta-locking dps? The guy is still getting reported … and? Your point? People should be banned for playing poorly. Now, good luck proving that you got reported because you’re a bad healer …

Mate, your the only fool here … but intentional probably,because fanboy. So, say we have silver Lucio player, and they look at their stats and see their healing is great, like in say top 10%, but their damage is rather poor, like in 90% compared to other Lucios. And they say to themself: “ok, I’ll play QP and do only damage”. So, they go to QP, start practicing shooting, without healing(because obviously the guy only wants to practice his shooting) … so, what’s wrong there? Practicing is getting one/any aspect of your game better, right? If we say QP is for practice, then everybody is free to practice whatever they want, not only dps trolls. There’s no denying it.
But as soon as dps troll sees healer that doesn’t heal them, they’ll immediately start with “omg, report this healer, they’re not healing” … that’s wrong on so many levels, but hey, I’m not expecting a fanboy to agree …

The only thing you proved is … that you have trouble reading. No one but youtubers/streamers gets unbanned…

But that takes effort. And for these guys it’s a lot more convenient to whine on the internet with righteous fury.

These guys are mostly bitters who like to impose their will on other people. Just ignore them and have fun!

If I were banned for playing McCree, I’d just move on to a different game. But that’s up to Blizzard, not some whining loser on the internet.

Key word, no they weren´t famous at all at the time they first got banned, no one knew who fuey really was. So he was just a nobody.

CS:GO does it, the Overwatch system, it stores reported game footage, to be reviewed by the community to judge if grief, cheat etc was going on and report it. Then it is reviewed by staff if enough people saw a problem. So i guess you´re the 15 ?? :slight_smile:

It was cause of your comment

quite clearly, you don´t know the difference between annoying your teammates on purpose, having an off day and playing better than your opponent. Hint: only one will get you penalized.

If all you wanted to do, was train your aim, you have other places for that, Training range etc. If you go into a game, you are playing the game, healing is part of Lucio´s character, if you see people left and right wanting healing and you have no enemies close, there is no excuse to not heal them. You cannot argue, that ridiculous point.

I still proved way more than you, where is your ban mail again ? :slight_smile:

here is another person, who only recorded his games with twitch and got unbanned, had no followers no nothing, still got reviewed and unbanned.
On reddit:

Ofc there is not a lot of people who show they get unbanned, when they aren´t recording it like streamers, normal people getting banned and unbanned doesn´t care two sh*ts to share that information, we have jeff kaplan saying it isn´t a justified ban reason and people won´t get banned for (Aka get unbanned).

So i proved quite a lot, where are all your proofs of people getting banned and get an email saying “You one trick, you banned, enjoy”, i seem to have missed it in the walls of texts of you trying to slither away from your arguments.

Yep, but don’t worry, in 10 years or so when you learn to read … you won’t miss that. No worries.

One post guy writes one thing, next post he writes totally different thing … :smiley:
Make up your mind mr fanboy …

Famous is subjective term … if someone is not famous for you, doesn’t mean they’re not famous, right?

Quite clearly, you’re delusional, mate … You can’t figure out that reporters don’t giva a flying f if you’re having an off day, or you’re intentionally playing poorly,it’s throwing in their eyes …

You can’t read or what? The guy was banned 6 times, and all 6 times complained, and was unbanned only once(and banned again 3 days later) … and because he recorded all games? So, 1 unban out if 6 is proof that people always get unbanned? Hahahaha … omg, you’re such a fanboy.
Blizzard, please, can this guy get to volunteer? He’s an epic fanboy. Other fanboys are nothing compared to this guy … :smiley:

Quick play is not a serious game mode. Let people do what they want in it. Or alternatively get some friends and group up in a 6 stack for quick play. And if having friends is too difficult there is even a group finder option. Stop being a prick and let people enjoy the game how they want.

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You are unable to comprehend anything i suggest you leave the game and the forums. Being banned for an amount of time, that takes less than the review and respond of a Blizzard employee to handle your case is ofc not added to the list of unbans. his first ban lengths were less than a Week, ofc that is not enough time to look at a case.

You can´t even see the logic in the workings of a company, for reference they have white listed people as well, to prevent automated bans.

Call me a fanboy all you like, all it proves is, that you are a delusional hater, who has no facts to his stupid claims :slight_smile:

Yep, sure … first you write “players will be unbanned if they appeal”, now it’s “players will be unbanned maybe sometime, maybe never” … which actualy proves that players very very very rarely - almost never - get unbanned(even for not reportable offences). You get reported, you get banned, and almost never unbanned. That’s why people can report whoever they want, whenever they want, for whatever they want…
Btw, the guy from your example “how people get unbanned” was apparently banned two more times after that “unban”, without further unbans either. So, yeah … fanboy. Even your proofs say people almost never get unbanned, but still you don’t want to see it, because … reasons.
I’m not hater, mate, I can think for myself and say whether something is good or bad … and auto-ban reporting system is bad for the customers on so many levels.

Lol. Mate, I don’t know in what universe CS agents can have weeks to resolve tickets … seems like you live in your own world, powered by Blizzard :smiley:

You´re a joke at this point, have fun being a great representation of someone most people will laugh at :slight_smile: