"its just qp"- your part of the problem

Yup, when no aruments try with insults :wink:

That’s nice in theory but playing how you want, basically “let people enjoy the game how they want” doesn’t work in a team based game as your performance effects the whole team, so one persons enjoyment is another peoples dissatisfaction.

I agree that people should have fun but also selfishness will often lower the quality of the game for others, I.E one tricks, 3/4/5 dps, battle mercy etc

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A few things I wanted to clear up from my own experience.

  1. Those who say you can’t improve in QP are lying or they simply don’t know how, so they spread this fallacy. You can most definitely improve by using QP in the right way, not by constantly moaning at others for not creating the perfect comp. The trick is to learn new techniques you need to improve on, and focus on that, not on others. QP isn’t perfect, but it has its uses if you know how.

  2. “it’s just QP” is a response given to people who take QP too seriously and ruin the atmoshphere for others. Yes I’ve been guilty of it too, getting too serious in a place that is meant for PRACTICE.

  3. QP = practice zone. Learn those skills, then take those skills to competitive where it matters.

Crazy idea I know.

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Doesn’t this go both ways? So people who don’t play how you think the game should be played affect you and you want them to change because you are not satisfied. But what happens when they are dissatisfied? They don’t have rights? Far as I know there are no written rules how the game is supposed to be played in a QP environment.

Call it what you like. You’re still a toxic dick.

Thank for once again proving my point on the community’s socials skills and maturity.

You call this guy a poor player, selfish, pitiful, sad, laughable, arrogant, with a lack of social skills.

You are the definition of the toxicity that plagues this game.

Where does the game or the developers say/show that Quick Play is for practice?

I don’t think there is any way that the game is meant to be played in any of the modes.
It’s all choice related, if you want to pick a counter, if you want to play the objective and if you want to play as a team, none of the reports seem to punish people for such things as bad picks, non meta, one tricking, non objective play etc

It’s a big issue (to me) of the game and probably why the defence/offensive hero category was removed as it hinted how heroes were meant to be played which lead to toxicity in the community, Torb on attack for example.

Attack Torb is awesome.

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He was brilliant on payload-maps even before his revamp. But quite a few people in this thread would’ve reported you for picking him!

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I used to think like the OP

I put way too much ‘heart’ into QP games. But there’s no point. It’s a scrubland full of bad comps, practising Doomfists, a thousand sniper trios, and millions of leavers.

I admire the people who still fight for it
 And I do in a way, by filling and switching, but for a LOT of people it will always be ONLY QP. And nothing will ever change that mindset. It was ONLY QP from the beginning and it’ll be ‘ONLY QP’ until the servers are switched off.

Sorry, but it’s true.

Don’t treat it special or buy it nice things, because it’ll only do what it’s always done. it’ll only be QP.

Just cos its quickplay does’t mean you don’t have to play as team, you can try fun team comps as team to, even still play to win while having fun, quickplay is neither meta or off meta, however no game is won with just 6 dps unless game is terribly unbalanced which is not fun at all anyway for 1 side, you wanna play Hanzo but are not good at it that is fine to, i play tank / healer for you make it a little easy’r for you and play as team, but i would expect same kind of play from anyone else, its when no one cares because its quick play when games become depressing and anti fun which is a terrible feeling you wish no one had, yet you always have players that keep playing at the expense of some one else fun, and that is just not acceptable behavior, does’t matter if its competitive or quick play, you play as team not for yourself and not for the potg that is something you have to earn, not throw games for just so you can get potg 1 out of 10 games cos you playing vs golds as diamond player. :tired_face:

If you’re bad at comp and have a crap hidden mmr (matchmaking rank) then you should not complain for others not being good. If good players are playing bad that is for 3 reasons: 1. They are warming up aka this one of their first games of the day 2. They are playing a not so familiar hero in quickplay because it would be basicly throwing in comp. 3. They dont care about win and just wanna have fun playing the game however they want.

They don’t have to. It just is that way.

Any game where you have a ranked mode and a QP mode, the community realizes that the QP mode is for practice.

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“It just is that way”

It isn’t defined in anyway, it is and it isn’t that way depending on the person playing, hence the problem of this topic.

Not really. Quick play has always been a warm up practice mode in games like this that also offer a ranked mode.

If anything it’s on the players who want to force others to do things in QP to prove that they have that right to do so.

Given there are no set guidelines for QP, I think we can use our logic and deduce that it’s a place for just practicing.

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It is also happening in arcade mystic heroes.
Yesterday i tried to get my 9 wins for the 3 loot boxes in arcade.
In one game there were a couple of players who kept running in solo and dying right away without doing anything.
I asked; can we please try to go together?
And i get the remark back: Dude this is just arcade, let us play how we want to.
So i had to swap to death match, only because solo players, who don’t want to play as a team, are destroying modes that are team based. And forcing us to play solo play modes.

Quick play should be for players to practice the real game, get ready for comp: so with teamwork.
But at the moment it is very rare to see any form of teamwork.
If you want to practice you aim go shoot some bots or ana’s in a custom game. Or DM or something.
At the moment there is no mode to practice teamwork. No mode to practice playing a tank or a healer.

I’d really appreciate a mode like this.

Fanboi, fanboi, fanboi, fanboi, fanboi
Must be a pretty damn bad thing, to like something.

But beeing a fanboi is your only argument against your discussion partners.
It also makes reading the text s nightmare bc fanboi us just written, fanboi, everywhere - fanboi.
Srsly i only read: fanboi. Fanboiiii oh fanboooooi

Ps: fanboi?