Join a game in progress?

admit it, you get piss when you enter a mach and its ending, i suggest to add a button “join game in progress” so you are guaranteed to enter a non started game, of course you can activate this to join game in progress, its bad idea?

You get priority que next time… so not much of an issue.

…i didnt get it…

Obviously they don’t like you then lol

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I get this a lot, priority queue, just to be put in another ending match :joy::joy::joy:

Now that is just bad luck lol.

One night I got 5 games in a row of either defence or back filling. Never played QP again.

The backfilling is annoying but I get it… But until it is full match rules, QP is not worth playing (obviously just my opinion). Let me attack and defend. And maybe let there be a map vote before the game in QP so people can just play the maps they like.

(I don’t want map voting in ranked.)

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well i keep losing every single game so its not that important…

It is alright. If you are only playing QP, just have a laugh while playing.

Lol maybe I should get a jar and put a coin in every time I’m put in an ending match.

Voting on what type of map before would be amazing.
Because of this backfill thing I sometimes get the same map with same defence/attack several games in a row (ok there’s usually one ending match I’m put in that’s a different map) but you get my point.

When you hear “welcome to junkertown” for the third time in a row and all you think is ”please not defence for the third time, spice it up give me attack” and then prepare your defences :joy: I just leave the game saying sorry guys I can’t do this again.

I always feel shotty when I leave but at least it’s at the start of the game not the last minute

first thing, i will put alot of coin in that jar, because i never leave a mach “exept paris”, if i leave a mach its for bad internet or other stuf “not for rage qiut” and second, i dont get mad if i play defend for 3 round in a row.