Keep getting logged out of overwatch

I keep getting logged out of Overwatch every time I try to play. I load up and connect, wait a few seconds, and get hit with “Lost Connection To Server.” and have to reenter my login information and that just becomes a cycle. This started to happen today after the most recent shop reset. I’ve tried resetting my Wi-Fi, flushing my DNS, i’ve uninstalled and reinstalled both Overwatch 2 and the Battle.Net client, i’ve even downloaded the game on steam and tried it there to no avail. I’m convinced it’s not a me but a Blizzard problem as this only started to happen after the shop reset and has never occurred before.

Anyone got any pointers, tips or advice?

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Having the same problem. Launching game from Battle Net.

Tried reinstalling, didn’t work.

Same issue, glad it’s not me thinking I’m going crazy.

I’ve started experiencing the same issue since yesterday. Game has been working fine for a long time and suddenly I can’t always start matches or when I do manage to connect I get kicked out within 30sec.

I’m currently trying to troubleshoot, but network tests (i.e. packet loss tests) aren’t showing any issues, router resets, wired connection to router hasn’t helped, etc. I’m not experiencing issues in any other game.

Location United Kingdom.

Same here, this started happening to me yesterday evening. I’m in the UK.

The in-game shop takes forever to load and I get disconnected from the game at random times. Also the EU shop website and the EU support page takes forever to load for me as well. I can play World of Warcraft and Minecraft servers just fine and any other website I visit like Gmail, Discord, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter and Reddit loads super fast as well including these forums.

I found that switching my BNET app and Overwatch region from Europe to Americas has helped.

Here are some other reports about this on Reddit so it’s more of a widespread issue for sure. I made a post on the US forums too.

Edit: If you live in the UK and your ISP is Vodafone just like me, then the good news is Blizzard are aware of an issue and they are looking into it thankfully

yep same thing happening here i think this could be the overwatch europe servers failing just a guess tho

Yes I’m with Vodafone for my ISP too, any updates yet from blizz?

I’m on Xbox and the same thing is happening to me, I load a game and play for 2/3 minutes then get kicked. I can load straight back in but it happens again. I’ve now been banned for 8 hours

So can you not even play overwatch, maybe try joining using an alt account and see if that works?