Kick from my competitive game

I was playing a game of comp with a friend but I was having frame rate issues (which can happen from time to time on my PC) so as the game was starting I decided to leave and rejoin to see if that would help - it didn’t. Following this I decide to try and quickly restart my game. So I close the game with a quick Alt+f4 and try to restart it. The game takes an annoyingly long time to load, but finally I get in the game.

Upon entering the game, I am given the option to rejoin the match as well as the other options (Hero gallery and such). I click Rejoin match. Nothing happens. I try again. Nothing happens. I try the other options. They all work. For about a minute I had this. Then the screen changes to let me join the game - for literally half a second - which is then followed by me being kicked from the game, and my group, back to the home screen, I could no longer play in that game. My friend was locked in a 5 v 6, with a place that could be filled by no one. Also slightly miffed about the 50SR I lost too.

Thanks for taking the time to read the essay,


Don’t leave the game, ez. Ur lack of performance because bad frame rates is nowhere near the lack of performance from ur team with only 5 players. Don’t do that shoot. Also if u leave before 1 min passes the game ends

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MY frame rate was dropping to a point where I would be unable to play and would therefore have been a glorified battery. There was no way I was playing that game. I know about the 1 minute thing, but that is not my issue. The problem was fixed when I re-launched my game. Normally I should have been able to join no problem - sure we would have been a bit behind, but at least I should’ve had that chance.

I know that you can rejoin games after restarting Overwatch - my friends have had to do it in the past when I was playing with them. It frustrates me that I didn’t have that option, just strait up lose fifty SR and get banned for 10 minutes

pc specs?cpu/gpu?what causes framedrops?is it temps?is it bad hardware?Its not the game thats for sure :}

Guys I am not here to talk about my frame rate.

Restarting my game fixed my frame rate issues (I know that doesn’t fix it for future problems, but short term it worked). I should have been able to rejoin my game afterwards and finish playing it. But instead I was kicked the moment I joined after waiting 2 minutes, costing me 50 SR which has killed comp for me (at least for this season).

I don’t want advice on why my frames are low, I want to know why I got kicked from my game (as the title adequately mentions)

(If I come off as aggressive, sorry)

Apparently using alt f4 can potentially cause data corruption in the process that is being ended. I’m going off second hand info here though so don’t take it as hard fact. Whether it could cause corruption to the extent of affecting things like frame rate though I don’t know.

Dont go into comp if this is a common issue of your pc dude.