Me and my friends just noticed one funny thing:
Lower you get in your rank… more russians you get in your matches. One of my friend is mid-high silver, and she’s having russians almost in every match (mostly one trick trolls), me and my friend high gold - low plat, we’re getting russians also, but maybe every 3rd game or so (same thing: one tricks) and my diamond friend have almost 0 russians in his matches…
Kinda funny if you think about it…
I thought about it, and didn’t laugh.
Not even lower. Russians are in like 60-70% of my maches easily. They are the most common cheaters too. Especially if they get rolled the first round.
I’m mid gold and people with cyrillics in their names are in my games too. It comes down to the time of day when you play more than anything else.
One doesn’t need to be russian to use the cyrillic alphabet.
Cyrillics are also used in Belarus, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine.
No need to generalise everyone into one country just because of an alphabet choise.
Otherwise all countries using the Latin alphabet (which we use right now) would also be generalised to be only one country.
(Game is also banned in Russia by their goverment. So all russian’s playing are doing so illegally, so props to them for that)
Largest population base in Europe. So makes sense there would be a lot of player.
Tend to find most of it my games are with Dutch, French and Scandinavian.