Known and Common Issues

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Please follow @BlizzardCSEU_EN for the latest updates on known ongoing issues and details on any service interruptions.

Breaking Issues

I am experiencing unnaturally high amounts of latency…
This can be caused for a number of different reasons, some of which have already been documented on the Tech Support Forum. Please be sure to read the stickied posts in the Tech Support Forum for possible workarounds and follow the troubleshooting steps here. If none of the proposed solutions work for you, create a new thread and and copy there the results of your traceroute and pathping tests. All tests must be performed during a problematic moment or immediately after a disconnection!

When I start a match sometimes people and weapons are invisible.
It is possible for a player to load into the game before some assets have been fully loaded.

Upon trying to connect to a match, I get stuck loading for a long period of time and I am sent back the the lobby before I get in to the match…
Substantially slow load times can prevent you from successfully entering a game. Try closing back ground applications, ensuring that your anti-virus software is up-to-date, and that there are no issues with your hard drive. If the problem persists, start a new thread on the Tech Support forum.

I placed in the Top 500 but didn’t get my rewards…
External sites which display Overwatch statistics like seasonal rankings may incorrectly show players in the Top 500 who did not actually make it. Additionally there was a bug earlier in the season which could cause the Top 500 icon to show on player portraits when that player did not actually make the Top 500.

I registered my key but get “No Overwatch License found”
The physical box contains two keys: the game license key itself and the a key for the Widowmaker Noire skin. Please make sure that you have registered the game key and that you are logged in to the correct Blizzard account.

We keep a list of known active issues at the top of the Overwatch Bug Report Forum. If you encounter a bug which is not currently listed please report it on the Bug Report Forum making sure to follow the Bug Report Forum Guidelines.

Note: The Bug Report Forums require a US account in order to post. To create this, log into The Americas game region once, you should then be able to post on this forum normally. For information on changing your game region, please see the Global Play FAQ.

Common Issues & Workarounds
For advice on the most common type of issues please click on the support category:

If your issues persist after trying all of the troubleshooting steps in the relevant article, please create a new thread describing your issue in as much detail as possible, include any error messages you are receiving as well as what trouble shooting steps you have taken to try resolve the issue.

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