Latest Patch - Ranks have reset to Gold 5?

Prior to the patch, all my role queues were Plat 2/3.

Now the patch has arrived, the ranks across the board are set to Gold 5?

Nothing in the patch notes reported this!!!

Is this another bug?

My Rank was Silver 3 and now it’s Bronze 5…!!..!!!

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It’s a joke.
Considering a season is only 60 days, it takes Ages to rank up with the state of this game.

CS/R6 only derank if you DO NOT play. They could instigate this for people who play 14/15 games per Role Queue, but jeez I’ve played a fair few games, and the rank drop is massive!

How is it even motivating to keep trying to rank up when they derank you this much.

Clearly they have zero idea on game design given the amount of reports this has had on the Technical Support channel. It could very well be another defect they have introduced into production given the lack of QA the main game had.

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