Left 1 QP early, 15 hours ban

Logged in to play with a friend, mistakenly queued solo. Left game immediately to group and play together. I can’t, I am prevented from joining another game for FIFTEEN HOURS.

What the hell is that?

Just did a fresh system reinstall, only thing I could see is somehow i’m flagged as a new troll account or something? Except i’ve been on that same single account since season 3. Any ideas what happened and how to fix it?

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Qp leaver penalty.

You must have left several matches in your last 20 matches to end up with that many hours.
It’s attatched to your account so a re install does nothing.

The system was implimented because some people left 18 out of 20 games. It’s super disruptive so a penalty system was added.

It’s a recent thing as it was added at the start of this season.

Don’t leave matches before the hero pose screen comes up at the end and you can avoid the penalties.

The system should allow you to leave 4 matches out of your most recent 20 without a penalty.
I don’t know if the 20 matches will reset at the change of a season. But as long as you finish that 20 matches at least once without leaving, it should clear your account of a leaver status and give you that 4 matches leeway.

My game’s crashed a few times in qp during this season, neither time gave me a penalty of any sort.


stop lying you dont get a suspension for leaving one game

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I got suspended for leaving one game after not playing for over half a year. Try using your brain for a second before you call random people liars


“They are an army unlike any other… crusading across the stars toward a place called UnderVerse, their promised land - a constellation of dark new worlds. Necromongers, they’re called. And if they cannot convert you, they will kill you.” :laughing:

Sure thing you lyar.