LF EU Player(s) for either Duo or Trio Queue [Diamond]

Hello, as said in the title I am looking for a player(s) to play ranked with :blush:

I’m a mostly support player that decided to go back playing this game more competitively again. Currently (s2) reached Diamond 4 in two weeks of grind. Used to be a diamond player in OW1 before goats meta (3.3 peak) and later I was just swinging between gold and plat after doing only placements.

I want to learn more and try to rank up even higher with chill and nontoxic people that have similar mindset.

Leave a comment with a bit of info and your bnet if you add me so I know you’re not a random invite in my requests box! Do not add me if you’re looking for a pocket Mercy! I suck with her movement and will probably feed enemy team full! My comfort picks are: Ana, Bap, Brig, Kiriko, Moira can play Lucio and Zen when needed!

Cheers! :call_me_hand:t3:
Les#21712 (bnet)


I’m currently diamond 5 DPS mainly soldier(before overwatch 2 I was mid masters) haven’t played too much ranked but looking to get back into it :slight_smile:

My Bnet is Bazl#21968

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