LF gold/platinum players

Hi everyone!

I’d like to find someone to play competitive games. I usually play with one or two friends, but due to commitments I’m alone most of the times. I play on PS4 and I oscillate between gold and platinum. I am very active between 1pm and 3pm and between 8pm and 10pm (italian time). I play as main support, but sometimes also tank and rarely DPS.

I’ve been playing since 2017, so I’d like to find people who know the game, the picks and the mechanics.
I like to play in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, if we win well and if we lose patience, so no flamer, toxic players or people with control obsessions.

Last but not least: I’m 33 years old. Sorry for younger players, but I would prefer to deal with people more or less my age.

If you are interested, please leave me your battletag. Thanks for your attention, see you in game!

PS: I am italian.