LF Plat+ Players

Hey guys,

I am looking for 1-3 people to create a competitive team dedicated to climb the big and scary SR ladder!

You must be able to speak English, have a microphone and already be in Plat Rank or higher!

I am a 29 year old mature gamer who wants to focus on climbing the ranks. I play DPS only but have a variety of hero’s who include:

  • Mcree
  • Soldier
  • Doomfist
  • Mei
  • Ashe

I look forward to hearing back from you either here or contact me on Discord.

– M

Hey, Sent you an invite though discord to chat a bit further.


Hey Jad,

Can you please send this again? Thank You!

Hey I used to be a gm tracer player but stopped playing the game for a long time so now around diamond to masters level but id be down to play i can play any dps hero except doomfist really add me if interested EaglesEyes#21695